Chapter Six

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Dinner wasn't bad it was nice to have a hot meal again. The conversation was light, and after dinner logan and I made Deacon a bed in the living room, we said goodnight then headed upstairs. I picked the biggest bedroom because why not, I found some new sheets in a closet and changed the ones on the bed I then made Lexa her own little bed on the floor. Then I went searching for some different clothes to change into and lucky enough in the closet there was a dark gray tank top and camo shorts. I quickly changed into them happy to be out of my bloody and dirty clothes and uncomfortable bra. When I stepped out of the closet and found logan laying on the bed with his arms behind his head just looking up at the ceiling " hey uh if you're looking for a change of clothes there might be some in the closet if you want" he turns his head to look at me and his eyes slightly widen " uh ya thanks I'll go take a look" he says as he peels his eyes off of me and starts to get up off the bed, he then walks past me and into the closet. I take this as an opportunity to get settled in the bed.

logan later comes out of the closet wearing only plaid pajama pants, he's holding a black v-neck t-shirt. Once out of the closet he stands beside the bed and starts to put the t-shirt on. DAMN, I don't remember logan ever looking so hot... "uh Reagan. You alright there. You like zoned out" "huh? oh sorry. I must be tired" " ya that's it" he raises an eyebrow and smirks then walks around the bed to the other side and gets on " don't you ever get bored of waiting for people to wake up?" "huh? oh because I don't sleep, uh no not really. To be honest with you humans are very interesting sleepers, some snore, some talk, some even walk around." huh " ya I guess that could be interesting" "ya, well you look tired so please try and get some sleep now Reagan" I smile and nod, then I turn to my side so my back is to logan. I then drift off to sleep feeling soft eyes watching me.


I wake up to the feeling of someone's arms around me and the feel of fabric under my cheek. my head slightly bobs up and down with the rhythm of breathing. "morning" logan's voice is like a soft whisper in the wind " mmmm" I go to rub my eyes but find that both my arms are plastered around logans waist " I can tell you're still not awake " " you know for a synth your really comfortable to lay on" his chest rumbles when he laughs " I'll take that as a complement, also on the outside I'm basically identical to a human, its the inside that's machine." "mmmm" " ya so how'd you sleep, you seemed happy to be in a bed. I think at one point you started to have a nightmare but then you turned over and stuck yourself to me and smiled so I'm guessing it went away?" "mmm, ya, I slept well. like I said your really comfortable" he laughs again

Hearing the commotion Lexa decided to jump up on the bed and lay on mine and logans tangled legs " and good morning to you too" logan says to Lexa, she, in turn, wages her tail happily. " we should get up so you can get something to eat before we leave" "mmm, ya your right. Ok, this is me getting up" I say as I make no move to actually get up. " come on" logan says as he rubs my shoulder. I look through the window and see a clear bright sky. Ya ok, time to get up. I remove my arms from around logans waist and crawl off the bed, I then go into the closet to put my one and only bra back on. I decided to just wear the tank top and shorts for the day.

I walk out of the closet to see logan waiting for his turn to change "I'll meet you downstairs" he says as he kisses me on the forehead before going into the closet. As I walk down the stairs all I can think about is that's one of the few times he's kissed me on the forehead, then I think about how much I liked it and my face heats up. Once downstairs I see that Deacon found an old children's book and is either reading it or just looking at the pictures " morning Deacon, you hungry?" he looks up from his book and smiles " morning Re-gan, yes very hungry" I smile back at him and head into the kitchen, I figure that beans are not a good breakfast food so I go out the kitchen door to the back yard where the previous people were growing all kinds of berries and fruit so I pick some and start making plates for me, Lexa and Deacon. logan doesn't eat.

While I'm just finishing up I hear logan come down, he walks into the kitchen wearing a dark blue v-neck t-shirt and jeans. It's good that he found some new clothes, his other ones were getting really dirty " your starring again Reagan" "huh? oh sorry. you all set to head out?" he nods and comes to sit in front of me " ya I am whenever you are. I was thinking we should leave Deacon and Lexa here and it just be us two going out. You know as someone should stay here." " ya, that's a good idea. Ok well I'll go tell Deacon then we can leave, meet me outside I won't be long" I smile at him then leave the kitchen.

After telling Deacon and Lexa to stay put for a few hours, I head out the door and meet logan outside. " so do you have an idea of where we should go" he shrugs his shoulders " no not really but I found a map in the closet that might help. It looks like there's a town or what used to be a town not far from here. I say we go check it out." " ya good idea let's start there". we look at the map again to make sure we're going the right way then we're off.


" Wow, look. I've never seen so many" as we're walking down what used to be a road a whole herd of headless cows crosses in front of us. " damn ya me either. There are so many" the walk to the town only took us about twenty minutes. It's not a big town, pretty small actually. Most of the buildings are either completely crumbled or covered with plant life. There seems to be a small food store, a pharmacy, and a general store. Which is good because those are basically the only things we need. " what do you think, where should we search first" "hmm, let's try the grocery store first then go from there" I nod and start heading to the small store.

" damn I wish I had your eyes, it's so damn dark in here," I say to logan who can see in the dark. lucky son of a bitch. " just stay close to me, we might find a flashlight or something" and I do just that. I stick to logan like shit to a blanket. " ah ha, here" he hands me a flashlight that you have to wined up before using " thank you" " no problem"

we finish up in the grocery store. I found some canned peas and little canned hot dogs as well as other canned things. We then decided to hit the pharmacy next. It was brighter as half the roof was missing. " hey uh could we split up in here, I have some things I'd like to look for." I ask nervously. logan looks at me strangely then nods " ya sure just yell if you need me." I give him a thumbs up and then I make my way to the female hygiene section. yes, I'm on a hunt for pads, it's not a surprise I'm a girl, and that time is coming around. I can just feel it. I also pick up a few bottles of any pain killer I could find. I also pack a ton of deodorant as I can't imagine how badly I smell.

After I feel I have picked up everything I need for the moment I meet back up with logan and we head over to the general store where we find next to nothing other than some play toys for Lexa and a stuffed bear for Deacon. we then make our way back to the house.


Once back at the house I run up to our bathroom and put away my lady things before going back down to the kitchen to make a late lunch, early dinner. Which are the mini hot dogs and the peas. After I go to sit outside on our bedroom balcony, the air is a little bit fresher and the approaching night seemed a little less deadly. A small smile creeps up on my face as I think about living here permanently. We could expand, make it our own. It would be nice. "hey, mind if I join?" I look back at logan " no, not at all" he joins me in one of the balcony chairs "it's so peaceful out here, don't you think" he nods " ya it is"

" I wish they were here to see this place" water starts to pool in my eyes at the thought of my lost and gone parents " so do I, they would have loved it" I nod and a tear slips out only to be swept away by logans thumb " you alright?" I look at him and give a small smile " I am now" he returns the smile and we just sit in a comfortable silence untell the sun sets.

I fall asleep in the chair, with the soft sound of leaves moving in the light wind.

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