Chapter Sixteen

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" Reagan, one thing before we beat the ass of this thing. Uh don't under any circumstance use your abilities, it'll be like sending out an invention to our location to every creature in our vicinity. Which definitely would not help us right now." I nod in agreement as I outstretch my hand and say " well then you better give me a gun otherwise I won't be much help out here." Roman briefly hesitates before he complies and gives me one of the guns he found, the one he gave me seemed to be an M60 Machine gun. It looked old and was covered in a stail looking sheet of dust. The gun was heavy but not so much so that I couldn't hold it properly.

"Ready?" I ask as we look up through the gaps in the trees. The sky is bright with soft yellow moonlight, I'd say it looked peaceful and pretty if there wasn't a flying monstrosity in it. The creature seems to be circling us as we wait for an opening to shoot through. After a few minutes of tense silence and waiting for the thing to come into view it finally flies over our heads inevitably making it visible for a clear shot. Before anything, I take I deep breath in and exhale slowly as I line up a shot to its wing. It screeches and wails as the bullet passes through the membrane of its right wing. A rip is created and the creature seems to lose balance in the air for a bit before the sounds of rapid gunfire is sounded through the night air.

Roman opens fire on the creature, and after a quick thought, I join him as we wait down on the creature. We watch as its wings tear and rip till there are more holes than wings and the creature crashes to the ground a few feet away from where we stand. we take a moment to catch out a breath before taking a small step in the direction of the beast. It moves slightly before both me and roman are hit hard with what I can only imagine being the thing's tail. The hit sends me and roman flying backwards into nearby trees. We crash to the ground groaning from the sharp pains going up and down our spine and shoulder blades.

After regaining some of the air I lost from my lungs I look over to find roman face down in a pile of dirt, he's not moving except for the slow rise and fall coming from his abdomen. 'thank god, he's breathing'

Using the tree as a support I drag my hurting body to its feet as I face towards the creature that now has its hollow eyes dead set on my position. ' oh.. shit.. it's mad'

Still holding onto the tree for dear life I try to back my ass up and put as much distance as I can between me and the monstrous thing standing In front of me. Now that I can finally see its features I take a second to look over this terrifying thing, it is terrifying. Its eyes are hollow and look like it may not have any yet it's staring right at me, its body shape is huge and lumpy with the colour of dead grass. Its wings are large and span over 150ft long. It also looks like it used to have feathers but not anymore. It has a beeck with razor-sharp teeth pocking out of the sides. Like I said, it's terrifying.
The sound of something or someone moving is what breaks the staring contest between me and the creature a glance to the side of me lets me know that the sound was coming for roman as he tries to lift himself off of the ground. His face is smeared with wet dirt and loose pieces of grass. Losing interest in me the thing makes a move to the wobbling roman.

It let's out a snarl as it steps closer to him and panic starts to creep in as I watch a helpless and battered roman trying his hardest to backway. But he is unable to move fast enough as the creature raises its needle-pointed tail and before I could make a move it drove it straight through Romans' chest. He didn't have time to scream before blood started bubbling out of his mouth and his head rolled back as his body went limp. I let out a startled scream as both I and roman dropped to the ground, me on my knees and he on his back. Tears started to roll down my face as I looked up at the beast, and all sadness and fear were replaced by blinding rage and hate for the being in front of me and without so much as a blink, the creature caught on fire before exploding.

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