Chapter Seven

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I wake up in the same spot I did yesterday morning, on logan. Though this time he's in the middle of the bed and I'm fully on top of him " good morning" "mmmorning, did you carry me in here." " yep" "mmm thank you". still feeling groggy I nuzzle my face into the center of logans chest " what are you doing " " I don't want to wake up yet " " what why?" " because that means I have to leave, I don't want to leave. I'm comfortable here." " on me?" "mmm yes on you" he laughs " well I suppose you could stay for a bit longer. we don't really have anything planned for today anyway." "mmmm, good". logan shifts lightly to tighten his arms around me " hey can I ask you a question" "mmmhmm" " why is it that you make that noise when you wake up" "mmm I don't know, it just comes out I guess." we both laugh. " this is nice I like this" " like what?" " this, I like waking up like this" " oh I see you like waking up on me" he laughs again "yes I like it. Is that a problem for you?" "nope, I wouldn't want it any other way" I look up at him "really?" he nods and moves his head close to mine he then kisses the corner of my mouth. My cheeks instantly heat up. When he pulls away I have to dig my face back into his chest so he doesn't see my insane blush.

"Hey, what's wrong" in a muffled voice I say "nothing, nothing's wrong" "ok then let me see your face, come on Reagan. Please." I slowly lift up my head and a wide smile breaks out on his face "are you blushing" I again drop my face to his chest, and he, in turn, moves a hand to rub my back "hey no it's okay, it's really cute to know that I can have that effect. Hey, Reagan come on. Please look at me" I do and he smiles again, he then moves a hand to my cheek and then runs his thumb across my lower lip, and if my cheeks couldn't get any redder " I love that" I smile and lean my head into the palm of his hand. We just lay there looking at each other for a few minutes before he says " I really hate to break this up love, but that big guy is probably getting hungry and we definitely don't want him to cook." " ughhh" I faceplant into his chest again " I'll go make breakfast, how about you go sit out on the balcony and think about what we should do today. Sound good?" " I nod my head " ya sounds like a plan. Also, can you tell Deacon to come to sit out in the backyard so we can all be together?" I feel logan kiss the back of my head " of course" I go to get off of logan when I have the sudden urge to kiss him but am conflicted with wither I'm ready to or not. He brushed my hair out of my face " when you're ready, I'm not going anywhere" I smile and get off the bed before making my way to the bathroom to freshen up, then I head out to the balcony.


During breakfast, the three of us just talk about random things, and after I decided that me and logan should go on a sort of walk, just to see what else is nearby but we made it a thing to try and be back within a few hours as it looks like a bad storm is growing in the distance.

We head in the same direction of the little town but decide to turn right just before we hit the town. " what type of storm do you think that is?" I say as I point at the one in front of us. logan shrugged " I haven't the faintest idea, the storms out here always seem to be different from each other. Nothing's ever the same but this one looks weird" I look at him confused " what do you mean, how?" he points at it " it's moving too fast, and it doesn't look like clouds. It looks like static" I look at the fast-moving storm and stop in my tracks " or eaters" I look at logan then at the strange moving mass. Huh, it seemed farther away just a second ago. logan grabs my arm and starts walking us backward " I think you're right. We need to run. NOW" and we do we run as fast as we can and yet the mass just keeps getting closer, it's almost to the point of being right above us. Shit

" We can't outrun it" logan stops and looks at me " then what do you suppose we do" I look at the now dipping mass and then at my hands then at logan " I have an idea, but you might want to cover your head" he does as I said. I turn to face the mass of people eating bugs and raise my hands, not feeling the heat I start to get anxious, but just as they enter the one-meter mark the heat flames to life, and out comes a blast of red and blue flames headed straight for the eaters. In a matter of seconds, most of the mass has fallen to the ground in piles of ash, but they just keep coming and I'm getting tired. I fall to my knees and let out a scream that would make your ears bleed, this causes the flowing flame to be pushed deep into the mass. Burning it up from the middle. The remaining group of eaters flees in fear of being burnt to ash.

My vision blurs and I fall to my side, hitting my head on the rough ground and knocking myself out.


I'm woken up by a heated throbbing sensation spreading from my head to the rest of my body "Reagan, hey, can you hear me? Honey I need you to open your eyes." so I do, though lazily. "Reagan I need you to stay awake for me ok? Don't close your eyes" but I'm so tired " Reagan, please. Come on" I can feel myself being lifted up, then being jostled around. After a while, I'm pushed to full consciousness as I'm plunged into cold liquid. I thrash and yelp, I think I even hit someone. " Reagan hey. Hey, it's ok. It's me, logan" logan, my logan. " logan," I say as I wipe my eyes clear of water before looking around for him. He's standing in front of me looking so worried. I push myself into him and hold him tight "my logan". We seem to be in a pond of some sort but I don't know how I got here.

"ya, it's me. I'm here" " what happened how'd I get here" he pulls back and puts his forehead against mine " you killed the eaters then you fell and hit your head, you wouldn't stay awake and you were burning up. I was so worried. I thought I lost you." I bring my hands up to his face and look him straight in the eyes " you didn't I'm right here. I'll always be right here." a small smile spreads across his full lips, and without thinking I lean in and gently press my lips against his, and for a split second it's just the two of us in the whole world. After we press our foreheads together again and just share a few moments together.

" I love that that just happened but this water is really cold and I'm starting to lose feeling in my feet" we both laugh and he nods " ya we should probably get out" he picks me up in his arms and carries me out of the pond. I lean my head against his chest and hiss " ya like I said you hit your head. When we get back I'll take a look at it." "mmm alright" even with the pain I still nuzzle my head into his chest just wanting to be closer to him.


By the time we got back to the house, we were down to being only soggy and damp not soaking wet. logan carried me through the door and we were greeted by Lexa jumping up and down, and a worried-looking Deacon sitting on the floor hugging his stuffed bear. "what happened to you, why you wet" Deacon askes as logan sets me down on the living room couch, I look at Deacon and say " it's a long story buddy, I'll tell you about it later."

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