Chapter Twenty

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"Where did she say she was going?" asked Eddie who was walking behind me with a slight slump in his shoulders, the poor guy has been through so much and hasn't had enough time to even process what's been happening. none of us have, what we need is someplace where we can at least cool down for a few weeks. I have a place in mind but I'm not sure if it's still up and running, it's been years since I was there and I wasn't the greatest being that when I was there, I was a Redhound, I doubt they'd even let us, though seeing me with Eddie and Reagan it might change things. It hurts to even think of leaving them, they've become my family in such a short time but I love them all the same. but the thought of me being the reason they suffer is physically painful. "Hey dude, you alright?" "Huh, uh ya sorry. uh, I think she said she wanted to check out the swamp. which should be in this direction so we just need to keep going straight." 

"Ok cool, hey uh have you heard from her?" I look over my shoulder at him and see the growing worry in his eyes and I know that if I could see my face I'd look the same. No, I haven't heard from her, not since she 'stubbed her toe'. I knew she was lying but I hoped she would say something if she thought she needed to. I was hurt when she didn't. I don't know if she's in trouble or hurt or worse... her head is ghost town quiet and it's terrifying. Even when she's not saying anything I can still hear a buzz that lets me know she's alright but there's nothing. 

I know I should say something about it to Eddie but he's already so worried and I'm afraid that if I say anything he'll drop dead from worrying so much. the boy's a marshmallow and I love him for it but it's gonna get him killed. "no, not yet, and that doesn't mean something bad happened it may just mean that she's busy or something." he catches up with me and gently grabs my good shoulder to stop me in my tracks "I know you're trying to make me feel better but it's not working, that girl is a danger magnet." I gently place my hand over his and look him directly in the eye " I know she is but she's also the most powerful being I've ever met, and she's not even done mutating yet." Eddie nods " ya I guess you're right, but she could still need our help" 

Eddie's eyes start to grow glossy and I lean my head against his "I know that's why we need to get to her as fast as we can, are you alright to keep moving?" He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before muttering a silent "yes" and we pick up our pace as we move in the general direction of the swamp. With worry and hope heavy in our hearts and minds.


I'm unaware of how much time has passed as I finally come to. Making a move to slowly open my eyes, I'm hit with nothing, no light, no sound apart from the distant dripping sound of water. The atmosphere alone is enough to send chills down my spine and fear into my mind. I'm alone. completely alone, and I don't know where to go or how to get back to the surface. 

Taking a few deep breaths, I slowly push myself up to a sitting position that causes burning pain through my head and spine. I let out an ear-piercing scream that causes my surroundings to shake resulting in ruble tumbling down to my position, not being able to move fast enough a bolder-sized rock crushes my right leg, and a loud snap and crunching noise echos out as my leg breaks. I force myself to bite down on my arm so that I don't cause more damage with another scream. The taste and smell of copper fill the air as I draw blood from my arm and my legs are set into a pool of warm sticky liquid. "SHIT!!!" I scream as tears stream down my face.

I'm hurt and in pain and completely alone. Sounds like how people die.

Unable to move the boulder I sigh and wallow in my shit situation hoping that someone will come to find me. taking a look up towards the hole I fell through I could see slight light if I squint through the dust, it seems that I'm pretty far down. My stomach drops as I realize my chances of getting out of here just went from slim to none.


"AAHHH" out of nowhere a surge of pain goes through my head and I can't help but fall to my knees and hold my head in pain. "What? What's wrong? Is it, Reagan? Is she alright" Eddie rushes to my side and kneels down in front of me, placing his hands over mine on my head and leaning his head against mine. The pain somewhat subsides and I breathe a sigh before saying "I think she's hurt, she's alive but she's in a lot of pain."

"Shit! can you tell where she is?" I shake my head as I slowly rise back up to my feet, Eddie rises with me, still holding my hands. "I can't tell exactly, she's cold and really scared. All I'm getting is a sense of being alone and nothingness." Eddie gives me a strange look " What the hell does that mean?" I squeeze his hands "It means she's alone, and there's nothing near her. Which is good in this case, means she's not being attached. But we really need to find her quickly."

Eddie nods and together we run into the slush of the swamp.

Reagan, we're coming just hold on.

To Be Continued in Broken World

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