Chapter Eight

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It's been about a month since the events with the swarm of eaters and winter has fully set in, we have recently gotten a total of eight feet of snow and are currently in the middle of a bad snowstorm. We haven't seen any indication that redhounds have come across the house yet but I have a feeling that they eventually will, and if they don't something else definitely will.

Me and logan have gotten closer after the kiss thing at the pound, but we haven't talked much about what's going on between us since the kiss happened. I have a feeling it has something to do with my inhumanly growing abilities or the fact that he's insecure about being a synth.

Lexa has grown her winter coat and seems to be a happy fluff ball, for the most part, she's not happy at the fact that she has to stay inside though, and Deacon seems to be getting extremely bored and as a result, he tends to sleep most days.

I take a quick look out the bedroom window in hopes that the storm has slowed down since the last time I checked "it's not getting any better out there" I say as I'm staring at the fiercely leaning trees and the deadly flying flakes of snow. I could hear logan chuckle from his laying position on the bed " you checked literally three minutes prior, I think its safe to say it'll take more than three minutes for a storm to slow" I turn to glare at him, of course, I knew it would take longer for the storm to slow or even stop but it's got me anxious being stuck in this semi freezing house not knowing if there's something out there coming at us, especially if there is, I can't only not see them coming but we wouldn't survive the move in this storm. We'd freeze to death or worst. Well at least most of us would die, logan would probably be fine.

" hey look I know this whole storm thing has you worried but that's no reason to get all glary at me," logan says as he gets up from the bed and comes to stand in front of me by the window. I look up at him and let out a distressed sigh " ya I know, I'm sorry. I just hate not being able to see through the storm, and knowing that in the event we had to leave that we couldn't. It's just got my nerves shot, you know?" he nods in understanding and leans down to kiss my forehead as we both turn back to look out the window.


It's been a few hours since logan convinced me to try and get some sleep. For those few hours, everything seemed alright, up till I was dragged into a nightmare I thought I had left behind. Though this time it seems different, almost worst somehow. I can feel my body go completely still as I'm forced to relive the events of my parent's death.

- I was back at the farm, instead of me being right in the action I was looking in on the attack, sorta like I was watching a horror movie. I watched as I sobbed and cried for my parents as they got ripped apart. As dream me was sobbing and being carried away by logan I turned to look out the door at the redhounds that caused me so much pain, and I recognized an all to familiar face. I saw the leader of the pack and it was the same one who ultimately bit me. He had the same sickening grin on his face as he threw a flaming torch at what used to be my home. I walked through the dream flames and came to a stop near inches from the leader's face, and for some reason, it felt like as I was looking at him he was also looking at me, not through me but at me. My eyes widened as his grin grew and he raised a hand and brushed it over my red-brown short hair. I stepped back only to be pulled into him by his hand knotted in my hair. I gasped in surprise as a slight stinging sensation came from my scalp where his hand held my hair. The leader then buried his head in the nape of my neck and breathed deep. He then moved up to my ear and hissed in broken words " Mmm. Missed. You" my blood ran cold and I froze up under his touch. He removed his hand from my hair and slowly brushed it down the length of my body before stopping at my side, the side where he had bitten me.

- Feeling his hand then move lower as his head began to rub against the side of mine I revolted and pushed him away, this, in turn, made rage blaze in his eyes as he snarled and started rushing at me. I turned and ran as fast as I could though I didn't get far as the ground turned into a pool of blood. I screamed as I sank into the thick liquid. I kicked and flailed my arms the best I could do to at least keep my head above the blood but as I was getting to a safe point I was grabbed by the ankle and pulled under.

I woke up screaming my lungs out. I thrashed and cried as arms caged around me. " Reagan! hey! wake the fuck up! you're ok, it's over. You're ok" I stopped thrashing and screaming and I was left crying in the arms of logan. I was petrified, nothing has ever happened like that before and I'm at a loss of how to comprehend how and why it happened.

logan stood holding me against him until I stopped crying or till I at least was calm enough to tell him what the fuck just happened. " ... I.. I was back at the farm, though it was different... he.. he was there and he... he..." I let my sentence drop, still not being able to process the events of the nightmare. logan rubbed my back " hey, it's ok. You don't have to say it. At least not yet." I nodded and laid my forehead on his chest. " I don't know if this'll make you feel better but the storm slowed down. I think It may stop soon." I didn't bother looking at him "that's good" my voice was still cracky and had taken on a sad tone. I felt logan gently press a kiss to my head. Not meaning to bring up memories of the leader rubbing his head on mine I reluctantly pushed away from logan.

His face made my heart brake, he had a look of hurt and longing. I tried to give him a small smile but failed so I opted to say "I just need a minute ok" he nodded then moppely left the room. A single tear left my eye as I thought about the look of hurt on his face. Hurt that I caused. 

I spent the remainder of the day in the bedroom sitting on the floor looking out the window at the slowing storm, trying to forget the nightmare. But I had a feeling this was something I wouldn't be able to forget about easily.


It was now past midnight, the storm had completely stopped, well give or take a few wind gusts. I was starting to get tired, I could feel my eyes drooping and the growing headache that came with keeping my eyes open for too long. I wanted to sleep, believe me, I did, but the thought of closing my eyes and risking being dragged into another nightmare scared the living shit out of me.

" Reagan please you need sleep" I didn't even look at logan. I just continued to look out the window at the dark night sky and pulled my knees up to my chest "no" is all I said. I could feel in my gut that I was hurting him by not confiding in him but I was still in shock, and I felt that he wouldn't understand what I went through nor what I'm going through.

Through the reflection in the window I saw logan come to sit beside me, he was close enough that I felt comfort but not close enough that I felt trapped. logan mirrored my position as he pulled his knees up to his chest and just looked out the window. I felt a little lighter with him near me, and it was nice just to have him near me and not with me. if that makes sense.

We stayed like that till the sun started to rise, and I still never closed my eyes longer than a blink. even then I still saw that awful grin that made me sick to my stomach.

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