Chapter 22|Of Mice and Men

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"That's why you've been so different, ever since school started or even a little while before that"

"Yeah, I guess so" Mere says as she fumbles her fingers while we're seated in the media room of the Sawyer residents.

"Why didn't you just tell Eleanor and I? You know we love you for who you are and we always will regardless of who you date" I explain as I place a hand over hers.

We've been talking for an odd five minutes and a lot has been unpacked within this conversation. I found out why Meredith has been acting particularly weird and different.

"Yeah, I didn't really know how to break it to you guys that I, now have a girlfriend so..." she smiles awkwardly as she folds her hands into her lap.

I humm in response as we sit in silence for a moment as all of these thoughts go crazy inside my brain, "I have a question; how Lillian?"

Her face screws up as she questions, "huh?"

"How did you, Meredith Johnson, even start mingling with one, Lillian Sawyer, you were in two different worlds as far as I know"

She nods in agreement, "oh yes, I know but, it was actually our mom's that had introduced us" she sees the look I give as she chuckled and continues, "not like that, gosh El"

I laugh along as she nudges my arm away.

"They were meeting for a meeting with the Deb committee and I guess we both were tagging along with our mother's and yeah, the rest is pretty much history"

"I see, that makes complete sense" I mumble as I gather all of my thoughts and the information that Mere has just sprung onto me.

I won't lie. I am without a doubt, happy for her. Ecstatic even.

I send a comforting smile her way as she returns it and we go in for a hug. I have missed my best friend.

"I've missed you, Ela"

"I've missed you, Mere"


"Gosh, you guys were so dramatic, I could literally facepalm" Eleanor's voice blares through the speaker as Mere drives me home after a night of fun and facts.

It's been a long day.

"Tell me about it, Elaine was having a stroke the moment she saw me and Lillian together"

I roll my eyes playfully as Mere continues to explain our situation of making up for the days we weren't so friendly.

To be honest, I cannot even remember how long it's been since the incident in Beck's beach house.

I kind of just want to forget that day, it was so drastically miserable.

Well, mostly.

"So, you basically knew this whole entire time, Leanor? Wowza" I fake hurt as I can feel her eye roll through the call and it makes me laugh.

She clears her throat before speaking again, "well, technically, no. I didn't know until Mere had told me but, that was pretty much after I saw my best friend hanging out and not-so-discreetly kissing Lillian Sawyer, tongue action and all, it was gross"

"Oh whatever, Eleanor, you'll be doing the exact same thing sooner than later, I'm sure of it" Mere shouts as she nudges me from the drivers seat and we pull up to the last stop light.

"Pfft. I doubt it, seriously. Beck has been rather odd, lately. After the beach house day"

As Eleanor's soft voice dies down, I can feel the burn of Meredith's stare on me but, I don't turn to look. I simply keep my eyes ahead as if I'm deep in thought.

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