Chapter 30|Laguna Beach, The Most Amazing Place

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"So, why are you in town?"

Eris' question startles our father as he stops from chewing his, abruptly and clears his throat setting down his knife and fork.

All the attention is now onto him as we all await his response.

"Uh well, you know..." he stammers, "the job I am currently employed in uh, had started a new contract and had thankfully allowed me to relocate right here, my home town, Laguna Beach"

Hm, a job opportunity. So, he didn't come back for us. Great.

"So, it was just a bonus that we just so happen to live here? Is that it?" Eris continues with his interrogation as he says what we're all thinking.

"No, that's not it"

"So, what is it?"

"Eris" mom interjects, "that's enough"

"I'm just trying to have a friendly conversation here, mom" Eris smiles tightly and if you know him well enough, you'd realise just how hurt he actually is.

I clear my throat after a moment of silence, "who made the peach cobbler?"

Everyone suddenly turns to me as if I had grown a second head, my mother and Zander snicker as I await a reply.

My father furrows his eyebrows as he turns his entire stature to face me and says, "actually your grandmother made it"


"Yeah, your grandparents live just outside of town, you didn't know?"

I shake my head in response as I can see Eris turning his head to observe our mother's expression.

She didn't tell us they were alive, she didn't think to tell us that they were living in the same town all this time, that maybe they even care enough and want to meet us.

Maybe my father is just bad for cheating but, my mother has kept us away from everything to do with our father for her own selfish reasons.

"Mom? You knew of this and you didn't tell us?" I question.

She doesn't answer right away, no. Instead, she finishes her plate at her own pace. Placing the knife and fork onto it, signalling that she's done eating before she wiped her mouth with the napkin.


Deafening silence.

That is until she sets her glass of sparkling apple cider back onto the table, "yes, I did know of this"


"But, I did it for the good of my children"

"For years, you've just sat there and watched us mourn over the fact that we have been alone and that not only our father but, his entire side of the family wants nothing to do with us" I say carelessly as my voice comes out harsh and strained.

I feel more angry than upset.

"You're 'father' left this family before you both were even born, his family hated me from the start so, you both have no idea and no right to question my choices of parenting" my mother stands as she speaks in a calm yet in a tone of pure authority and makes her way to the kitchen.

As we watch her leave the room, Eris, Zander and I share a look. Seeing Zander's expression, it's clear to me that he had no idea that we were so in the dark. I suppose my mother had fed him some bullshit lies too.

That we didn't care or feel the need to know our father or his family.

That could not be any more of a lie.

My father looks rather upset too as he pushes his plate forward a little and says, "don't blame your mother for keeping you in the dark, I ran away, she may have told me to but, it was my choice to do so"

He's right.

They both have their own reasoning but, it was all in the past. Almost eighteen years ago. It's time to just move forward.

"Your mother had thought I was gone because I had a boating accident the day that you both were born. I know that I should have contacted her but, I thought it'd be best to keep my distance because of the damage that I had already caused. My parents, your grandparents know of you all, Zander has met them but, he didn't know that the two of you had no knowledge of them. They'd like to meet you"

They would like to meet us?

At the beginning of this year, I had thought it'd be as uneventful as the passing years. I had thought the only kick of entertainment and drama would be my reality tv shows and maybe playing cupid for my best friend.


Now, I am sitting at my dining table with my two brothers and my father. I'm learning that I have an entire other family that wants us in their lives.

"When do you think they would be free...?"

Before our father can answer, my mother appears in the doorway of the room once again, this time with the tray of my grandmother's peach cobbler in her hand and an ice cream scoop.

"They'd like to meet you before the homecoming game" she says, "now somebody go retrieve the ice cream and some dishes while the rest of you clear the table, thank you"

She's very weird.

Her mood swiftly changes every minute of the day. Then again, so does mine.

I'm very weird too.

I guess that's just my family. A bunch of sarcastic, laid back, weirdos with temper issues.

As I gather my dishes and make my way to the kitchen, I notice a postcard on the refrigerator underneath the magnet I had made in third grade.

The postcard has a picture of what appears to be the diner my parents used to go to as teenagers.

I place the dishes I had into the sink as I step over to retrieve the postcard, I turn it over to see a short letter signed with some sort of emblem imprinted onto it.

The letter reads;

Elaine & Eris,

As the years pass by, we realise that there is still a missing place in our heart and our home that solely belongs to the both of you.

Your mother and father have had their ups and their downs but, above all, the unconditional love they share for you defeats any amount of turmoil.

We have been residing in Laguna Beach, the most amazing place, for decades, everyday with you just within reach has been like walking on seashells but, now we'd love to greet you with open arms and open hearts .

Dearest love,

G & Pa

P.s. enjoy the cobbler!


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