Chapter 28|One Too Many Abs

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I have had a lot of time to reflect on my life over the weekend and well, the past few weeks, to be honest.

The thing is though, that I have not conjured up one single resolution or any way of making a bad situation good. Maybe it's just the actions I put out into the goddamn Universe.

The Universe happens to live for our love/ hate relationship.

It's given me some of the most amazing people in the world like my family and friends and of course, the one and only, Henry Forrester.

For them I am completely grateful.

Then, there's the things in life that the universe loves to mess my life up with, including the debutante ball, everyone holding some weird blame game on me and last but, certainly not least, Beckinsale Carter.

I don't think I even really need to explain the reasoning behind Beckinsale Carter.

He's just trouble in my eyes. 'Pure, hormonal, teenage dirtbag, King dingus, one too many abs' trouble.

So, why am I suddenly trying to make amends for real with the universe?


I'm tired of drama. I never liked it. The only exception being reality tv. Obviously.

That and I have to figure what's going on with Eleanor and Beck.

They've both been acting insanely weird ever since the diner date, I noticed multiple dead giveaways that something was wrong:

1. Despite Eleanor having the most epic crush on him, she discreetly kept her distance.

2. They barely shared a word or any form of eye contact.

3. She sat to my left while Beck sat to Henry's right during the Deb meeting.

Something is definitely wrong there and I am going to find out what.

Even if it's the last thing that I do.


So, that is why I am now standing and dying from the stench just outside of the boys locker room. Do they even realise how grossly disgusting that smells?

Somebody call an ambulance, I'm about to die.

As I hear the chatter and laughter of the soccer team leaving the room to head to lunch, I see Henry walking with Eris and Bridger but, they don't notice me after I try to wave them down.

"Screw it" I mumble after all the guys have disappeared from sight and the culprit I am looking for still hasn't exited.

I take a deep breath before I walk in, "This could be the last one I ever take"

Deciding to just cover my nose and mouth with my shirt, I take an indecisive step forward.

I can hear the sound of running water and I pray to God that it's just the tap and not one of the showers.

I clear my throat, "Beck? Hello?"


I move forward into the next row of lockers and from what I can see, he's in here alright. His locker is wide open. No, I haven't been in here before, it has his name on it.

"Idiot, why keep your locker wide open? Anyone could just take anything" I say as I pick up his watch.

"Because I'm the only one left in here or so I thought"

I jump at the sound of his deep voice as I turn to face him abruptly all the while dropping his watch onto the ground.



I don't know why but, the fact that he called me Elaine, annoyed me.

"What are you doing in here? This is the guys locker room, did you not see the sign?" he says so sarcastically with that ugly, cheeky smirk of his.

"I know, I needed to talk to you and I was getting quite impatient" I roll my eyes.

And it is at this moment when I lay my eyes to rest on him, I notice his attire. A towel.

I doubt he has any form of decency underneath that.

He laughs with a raise of his brow, "wanna find out?"


"To check if I have any form of decency underneath this" he teases.

Oh, did I say that out loud?

I did, didn't I?

"You did indeed" he says as he continues to smirk as he takes a step closer still with a fair amount of distance between us.

"Oh god" I facepalm as I look away, "I'm just gonna waist-" I mess up as my eyes betray me, roaming, "wait outside for you. I'm gonna wait outside"

I stumble into a locker as I begin to back away.

He snorts of laughter as he watches me, "okay"

What an idiot.

Me. I'm the idiot.

I step back out into the hallway as I finally remember what fresh air smelt like. Maybe that's why my everything was betraying me in there. Because the air in that room is disgusting and stuffy and hot.

Really hot.

Maybe they should install air conditioning in there...

No, that wouldn't make sense.

I don't know.

Gosh. Get a grip, Elaine.


When Beck had said my name like that it was weird. I say this in an entirely non romantic way but, some people just say your name in a really nice way. Even though, I am not a fan of Beckinsale Carter. At all.

"Laine? What did you want to talk about?" he asks as he walks out, now with his uniform on.

His tie hangs loosely from his shoulders as his hair appears disheveled and his face has tints of red within.

"Um oh, I just wanted to talk to you about Eleanor actually, is that okay?"

He looks a little stunned as I mention Eleanor's name and it just proves even more so, that there is something neither of them have told us.

I feel my face screws up as I look down trying to understand how I could possibly continue this conversation with him.

He clears his throat as he straightens up, "what, uh, what about her?"

"Well, I guess I just had noticed a few things of this passing weekend and wanted to check-in with you both" I explain as I begin to slowly pace in front of him, "I feel like you're both, I don't know, being or becoming distant with one another"

I stop pacing as he places a hand in his pocket and the other one reached to comb through his hair. I take the opportunity to observe his movements. Maybe they will give away emotions of angst or something.

"I haven't really noticed anything myself and I'm sure as your best friend, Eleanor would let you know of anything" he tries to reassure me but, it doesn't sound quite convincing, "hey, everything is okay, alright?"

I pause for a moment as I contemplate whether or not I should say more or just agree for now.


"Okay, now let's go eat shall we?" his face lights up at the thought of food and I can't help but, to chuckle as he turns his arm out for me.

"Thanks to you and your one too many abs"

"Wow, Laine, they're my speciality don't hate but, it's my pleasure"


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