Chapter 32|Love Shak, Baby!

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"How do you mistakenly give me the wrong directions when the map is literally right in front of you?"

"I- well, it isn't my fault, all we have is this since there's no service" Beck says as he rattles the paper printed with a map of Laguna Beach and surrounding areas.

I sigh as I begin to look around for a place to pull over, "I know but, usually it would have the co-ordinates if it's a locally marked destination"

"Huh?" he says.

The car comes to a halt beneath a tree, surrounded by bushes and a stream off to the right. I unclip my seatbelt as I reach to lean over the map.

"Here lemme see?" I ask as he turns the paper on angle where I am now able to see more clearly, "okay so, see at the bottom, it has locations and next to them it has a letter followed by a number"

"Oh yeah, I see that now" he chuckles with an awkward smile.

I snort as I fix the crumpled paper, "right, so those are basically the co-ordinates and with them, we go over to the map"

"Oh okay so, what?"

"Be patient child, I'm getting to that so-"

"Did you just call me a child?" he laughs.

"Mhm, indeed I did because you are one"

"Well, you're one too, now show me how to do this thing, please"

I roll my eyes with a tsk and get back to explaining, "whatever, anywho take the letter and line it up with the number, like so" I mumble as I line my index finger up with the letter while Beck moves his in a straight line across the number.

"Right here, found it and it's not too far away"

"Well, would you look at that" he says with a smile and at that moment I can feel the slight warmth of his hand next to mine and just how close we are.

How did that happen?

I clear my throat and sit back onto the drivers seat with my hands on the steering wheel. I lay my head to rest on my hands for a moment until I open my eyes and peer ahead. I can see a subtle outline of what appears to be a sign or billboard.

"Hey, what's that?" I say as I open the door and step out of the car.

"What's what? Laine?"

I begin to walk ahead, keeping my eyes on the sign as I hear Beck closing the door as he too steps out of the car, following suit.

"Hey, you can't just leave your car wide open in the middle of nowhere, Laine!" he shouts but, I continue walking.

I come to a stop as I peer around a few leafy tree branches to see a sign that reads;

Love Shak
Burgers and Shakes

Turn Left At Clearwater Stream

I stand with an accomplished smile and my hands on my hips as Beck catches up to me.

He bends over with a gasp, "why did you do that and how did you walk so fast?"

"I thought you were the captain of the soccer team?" I snicker as I point to the sign, "but, is that what we're looking for?"

He stands tall as he moves around me, squinting his eyes and reads the sign, "Love Shak, that's exactly what we're looking for, now let's get back in the car and go"

I nod in agreement as we turn to start walking back to my car, I nudge his side to get his attention, "so, Love Shak, huh? Like the song"

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