Chapter 18|Shades Of Blue

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As I take a minute to breathe, I lean against the railing of the stairs and sigh.

"What the hell was that?"

Standing back with another deep breath, I make my way downstairs and to the doorway of the theatre room, "uh hey guys, I'm gonna head home now, I've got a lot of things to do, anyway"

Beck, Eleanor and Eris look toward me as I can see their questioning gazes and Eris is the first to speak.

"What things?" he asks with a scrunch of his nose.

"Stuff. Mom sent me a text and asked for me so..."

"What stuff?"

He really is not letting this go. Ugh.

"Girl stuff. Deb stuff" I say, hoping he'll drop it.

Eleanor pouts as she stands from the chair and out of Beck's grasp, "Deb stuff? Mere and I could help wi-"

"I've got it, thanks Eleanor, you know my mom" I awkwardly chuckle and fumble with my keys.

The movements catch Beck's attention and I immediately halt all fumbling, "Oh but, Mere and I could really use s-"

Before Eleanor can continue talking, she's cut off abruptly by Mere, who looks somewhat like an eagle zoning in in its prey, I can tell you right now that I am not the prey.

Even if I'm her target.

"El says she's got it Leanor, she seems to want to spend time with her mom, we should let her" Mere basically spits out in a rage of fire like a dragon.

I like dragons. They're part of my culture too so, that's why I'm always so-

"I'll walk you out, Laine"


"I said; I'll walk you out, Laine" Beck repeating himself with a very sarcastic tone which as expected makes me roll my eyes.

"I- fine" I let out a huff when I can't convince him not to walk me out.

I don't want nor need another reason for Meredith to jump down my throat again. One time is enough.

As I turn, hastily making my way down the hall so, I can avoid as much time as I can being around Beckinsale Carter. Stopping by the door, I let out a quick thanks and head out past the threshold.

Before I can get to my car, I'm pulled back by what I can assume is Beck's hand around my wrist.

"What the-"

And just like that, Beckinsale Carter holds my cheeks and looks deeply into my eyes, I can feel his breath rush over my lips and I can't help but to look at his. He does that oh-so-annoying smirk and I roll my eyes again.

"Your eyes are so many shades of blue, I never noticed before" he says almost in a whisper.

"Are you going to kiss me already?"

"Can I?"

I nod as he smiles leaning in and the closer we got, the bigger the urge got. The moment my lips met his I felt weird, like this is something I'm meant to be doing.

Despite people saying fireworks are just for the movies, I felt them. The biggest fireworks in existence. We part to take a breath and I can feel all the weight on my shoulders lift.

I just kissed Beckinsale Carter. Golden boy, soccer captain, boy next door Beck.

What the fuck?

I kissed Beckinsale Carter?
King dingus, Beck?

How and why?

"El? What the hell are you doing?" I feel a cold slap to my face and whoever it was calls out to me again, "El!"

And that's when I woke up.

It was a dream?

Why would I dream about kissing Beckinsale Carter? What the fuck.


"So, what were you dreaming about before I woke you up, Els?"

I look up from my cereal to see Eris smirking with a clear milk moustache and food crunching in his mouth. Disgusting.

How are we related? Much less twins?

"Gross you pubescent imbecile, close your mouth" I smack his hand away from my chocolate milk as I continue, "and I wasn't dreaming, you doofus, it was a nightmare"

"Oh, what happened in this nightmare then?"

"You were related to me"

He rolls his eyes as he says, "I heard kissing sounds, was it?"

He places his chin in the palm of his hand and makes kissy noises, I bump his arm so it falls and he hisses as he knocks his elbow in the table.

The truth is after Beck walked me out, I drove straight home. There was no kiss. Thankfully.

It was just a dream.

At that very moment, our mother decides to walk in and with a mysterious man I've never seen before although he looks somewhat familiar.

"This is Eris and Elaine, children this is Zander... Michaelson, he's a distant cousin of your father's" she says as she fixes her coffee.

This dude looks at least twenty something. He has similar features to Eris too, the hair and the bone structure.

And yet, I'm his twin.

Goddamn universe.

"Hey man, what's up?" Eris says as he stands and does that weird bro handshake thing.

I nod in his direction and he nods back, which makes me tilt my head to the side in curiosity. Weird.

Definitely, related.

"So, Elaine and Eris, Zander is a senior and will be attending Everdear Lynx with the both of you, I expect you both to be gracious hosts and even help him out when necessary"

Eris nods downing the rest of the milk in his bowl and wipes his mouth as he kisses mom's cheek, "cool, I gotta go or I'll be late for practice"

"Oh, perfect, Zander can get a ride with you guys"

"I'm driving myself from now on mom, I cannot stand another car ride with those two imbeciles" I say as I stand, making my way to the sink.

"Any other time, I'd be cool with that but, I can't, we're picking up Marco on the way, Beck only has three seats, sorry" Eris says as he backs out.

"I guess, I don't mind giving you a ride, Zander, it's just me anyway" I say with a tight smile.

Mere and I haven't spoken since the beach day over the weekend, after what she had said to me, I don't feel like dealing with her and Eleanor has tried to make plans with us but, I can't. Hopefully, I can avoid everyone today, maybe not George or Krista, they're so drama free, I love it.

"Great! Okay, I have to go, work calls, bye children!" my mother beams as she too, walks out.

"Is your family always like this?"

"So, he speaks" I say as gather my belongings, "yeah, mom is basically a perky, workaholic and Eris is... well, a teenage imbecile"

He chuckles as we head out, "well, it's more than what I have, normal in comparison"

Oh yeah, so normal.


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