Chapter 34|#Beleanor

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"To be honest, I think they're perfect for each other and I seriously cannot wait for the day where he kneels down on one bended knee and extends his hand in which he holds a tiny blue Tiffany's box and-"

"Oh look at that, three for one fro-yo!" I interrupt Mere as we walk through the mall.

I'm pretty sure Eleanor is about to shove the rest of her blueberry muffin down Meredith's throat. I still believe it is a little suspicious, the way that she and Beck have been acting lately makes me believe I'm correct. Maybe I can get some information about what the hell is going on between the two of them.

Eleanor and I make our way over to the frozen yoghurt store while Mere simply pouts as she takes a seat at one of the tables in the food court. As I look back to see her seated position, a figure or two behind her captures my attention.

They're whaling around like a couple of buffoons. And that's when I hear; "Eris!"

Eleanor tenses next to me and that's enough to let me know that she had heard it too, "come on, let's just order, quickly"

She nods as we're next in line and I fight the urge to look back just in case they recognize us and decide to ruin our day.

"Hi and welcome to Fro... Yo, what can I get you?" the employee says bright eyed with a huge fake smile plastered onto their face.

I loosely smile back as I begin to recite out usual order, "Uh hi, can we just get the three for one, a vanilla, a mango and-"

"A pineapple, thanks" Eleanor says as she decides to change her order at the last minute.

"Sure thing, ladies, anything else with that?" the frozen yoghurt employee asks as he leans on the countertop as he picks his lips while clearly focusing all of his attention onto Eleanor.


"Sorry, what?" he asks as his attention is now onto me.

I furrow my brows as I have absolutely no idea what this weirdo could be talking about, "Excuse me?"

"What's gross?"

At this point, my eyes are squinted and just as I am about to give this dude a piece of my mind, Eleanor steps in with the chivalrous act of kindness toward him. For his sake.

"Thank you, that will be all, the order name is El, as in E-L" she says so sarcastically, I might cry.

She is certainly learning.

I snort as the guy's face twists and we walk off to the side to wait but, not before paying of course.

"Did I really say; 'gross' out loud?" I mumble as we sit on the bench, awaiting.

"Uh yeah, you totally did but, thanks" she laughs.

"Chivalry is indeed not dead"

"You? Chivalrous, Ela?" he says as I hear the snickers of pompous teenage dirtbags circling my atmosphere.

"Why is it that every single time I find peace in my universe, is it then destroyed in a singular millisecond because of you buffoons?" I ask, rhetorically of course.

"Hello to you too, El" Marco says as he does this weird, lazy salute.

I nod back as I say, "well, with the exception of you, Marco, sometimes" he bows mockingly with a smile, "as for you two, Eris and Beckinsale, why do you always insist on taking the stalkers route?"

"Stalkers? Us? You wish"

"Why would we wish for you to stalk us? That's actually a felony" Eleanor questions them and it takes them aback just as I'm surprised by her attitude.

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