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A fictional illness in which a person bearing an unrequited love coughs up flower petals until they die or their feelings are reciprocated.


"I'm Y/n. Ahn Y/n," I reverted, to which he just smiled and said, "Beautiful."


The miracle seemed to last for a very long time, for we often took the same bus, bumped into the same café, and even found each other boarding the same train!

Glances became greets, greets turned into light conversations that eventually grew deeper and longer. We were slowly erasing away the gaps between us and I knew this was something special. This feeling, it was something more than a friendly one. I saw him as a man, I knew.

I mean, I did see my crushes as men, but him..there was something magnetic about him that I couldn't run away from, which I usually did. This stranger, how did he have the strength to sway my heart so much? I knew then, I loved this man.

But I wouldn't be confessing. I wouldn't admit, but I was afraid of love. I didn't want to end up like my dad, all heartbroken. My dad lost my mother when I was three and since then I had never seen him happy. And the only exit to his sorrow, he found, was alcohol. And well...it was very traumatizing for a young mind like mine. Oh love, it had destroyed everything and yet here I was, falling in love, ready to fall down and break.

My face unknowingly had gone sullen as I was debating internally. Jungkook gave a light tap on my hand."You okay?"
With a start, I broke out of my trance and turned, to find him inches apart from my face. But not with a wrong intention. He was concerned for me."Miss Y/n?"

I knew then, he was the one. The look in his eyes said it all. He loved me too. His eyes showed...I don't know what to name it. But I realised one thing: The eyes do tell. Not just that one time, but everytime he looked at me, the smile that his eyes would have, he'd seem solost in me. Lost to the extent that nothing around him mattered. All he saw was me. Only me. His eyes told me that. Also it was becoming obvious day by day; he built childish or silly excuses to meet me, exchanged numbers, bought me flowers for no reason. It might've been a coincidence– once, twice, even thrice, but it couldn't be everytime. I was sure,'I love you,' was all he wanted to say when he'd see me.

And without a doubt, I wanted to say,'I love you too.' He was so sweet, so caring. A total gentleman. And to top the cake with a cherry, he was a very cute bunny. So I let myself drown deeper in his sea of love. Not just because of his looks, but because I had begun to believe that he was the one– the one who'd stay forever.

Thus, we both were in love and one particular day, we were taking a stroll in the park when.. things happened..

"And whenever I look at you, I have to hold myself from not saying it aloud. But today, I won't refrain anymore. For I think I'm on the right path." He held my hands."I've fallen for you Y/n."

[2 months later]

"Welcome to your new home!" said the landlady as she handed us the keys.

Jungkook and I had absolutely no time for each other after we got together, two months ago. That too because of our jobs. His mediocre workplace was on one end of the city, which used to get him pretty exhausted and meeting me after all that helter-skelter was next to impossible. So one fine evening, when he had with all his blood, sweat and tears managed to get a half day for me, he had mindlessly said,"I wish we stayed somewhere close. That way I'd at least get to see you at the end of the day."

"What an idea Kook! We can do that!"

"No! I didn't really mean that."

"But we can move in! Whether you meant it or not. We'll buy a new house!"

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