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A fictional illness in which a person bearing an unrequited love coughs up flower petals until they die or their feelings are reciprocated.


"Maybe you should stay home....you know, I can work for the both of us."

"What?" I put down my mug.

"How about you stay home and I work?" he repeated again.

Those were the most queer words and sentence I had ever encountered in my life.

"It's just a little stress, Kook. Why quit for such a small reason?"

"A little? There's no bigger joke than that. Just look at yourself, Y/n. Your job drains you completely. You come every day, dragging your almost falling body home and then stay up late working because you need to meet the deadlines. That's the amount of stress you're having. That stress is going to have an effect somewhere, someday. On your health, on you, my love."

"You say that because you don't know how hard I've worked to get here, Kook. I can't give up on the job, it's the only reward I've ever got for the hardships I've been through in my life. I cannot give it up," I told him.

"But what is the use of this job...this reward if it makes you so unwell, babe?" he reasoned again.

"Why are you so keen on making me leave my job?"
The stress had made me burst at him.

He stood stunned at my conclusion."Y-You didn't have to be that rash, Y/n. Anyways..." He put a smile on his face. "I'll never pick up this topic again. Finish your work, then we'll go home."

Saying that he went to his desk and put his head on it, taking a nap.

Meanwhile, I massaged my temples, feeling bad. He was right. He was just trying to care, be a good boyfriend and I had just sent his care flying away by accusing him like that.

After my work was done we took the bus and were now walking towards our house. The Jungkook I was seeing now was pretty normal, but I knew he was hurt from the inside. I had just exploded at him like he was a total stranger. I felt terrible, but I didn't say anything. Just listened to his laughs and talks.


Jungkook was making dinner while I was getting changed in the bedroom. It was then that my eyes fell to the long mirror, reflecting my image. I realised the truth which Jungkook had been trying to make me see, that his worry was valid. My body, it looked so lanky; I had lost a few pounds. My face looked ghastly pale and my eyes had sunken in their sockets and had developed dark circles. What had happened to me? That was...not me. I had started looking like a zombie. Because of my so-cherished reward. I decided that maybe I should be going on a long leave...if not quitting entirely.

Dinner was over and with the lights off, we were lying in bed, huddled close to each other. Jungkook talked about many things but my job. He really meant it when he said he was never going to pick up the topic.

Yet I waited for him to say something, when he'd sense me unusually quiet. He did, but even then did not ask me. A man of words he was, and adamant too.

I sensed the silence into the room in between my thoughts. This was my chance to tell him. I, who was already facing him, summoned up all of my politeness. "Kook, I'm..so sor-"

"Lwb yu," he mumbled in his sleep and nuzzled himself closer to me, making my heart melt. For I could feel his love, which was on his lips even in his sleep.

[The next morning]

"Good morning Kook." I peppered his sleeping face with kisses. He groaned a little, turning away from me. "My dear Kook," I said as I made his back touch the bed again. I kissed his lips. "Wake up. I've news for you," I said softly.

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