Chapter 4

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I didn't know what to make of the confusing feelings that the new guy was evoking in me. But one thing, I knew for certain. I hated the feeling of Kamal's arms around me. Especially, in front of his men, like I'm a shiny, new toy to be paraded around. He led me to his car, and asked his driver to take my car home, while he drove me home.

Against my will, I wanted someone else in the driver's seat.

I snapped out of my reverie at Kamal's voice.

"I can't bear to see you this disturbed, Reena. I'll catch that Rocky soon and shoot him in front of your eyes", he said.


That was the man's name. He had said it that day itself. 'Shut up Rocky!'. It was a funny name, but it fitted him well and actually made him more macho.

I gave him a noncommittal shrug, and averted my gaze to the window. As long as Kamal thought I was angry with him, hopefully he wouldn't talk. And I was right.


I stared at my untouched plate of lunch. It reminded me of Rocky, helping that famished woman. He had said he had to polish eight shoes before he got a bun. Tears welled up in my eyes, unconsciously. I was angry that he had had a tough childhood, where he couldn't get a square meal.

He must've lost his mother too. Like me.

I quickly shoved mouthfuls of food, before I had a breakdown in the dining table.

Never cry in front of people. You can't let them see you weak.

I decided to pay my regular visit to my father's bar and talk to the lead dancer - Milky. I liked her bluntness - especially, her reality checks. Strangely, we got along pretty well, but I don't think we're friends.

I wore a designer backless black gown with a black faux fur stole and a tiara to match. Signalling a bartender to my table, I watched Milky's performance. She was gyrating seductively, over a man. I looked curiously. She was a tease but she never got this intimate with a customer.

And the world turned RED!

That man was none other than Rocky. Why on earth would he show up to this place and then let a woman touch him like this?! If looks could kill...

He must've felt my piercing glare. He stepped away from Milky and tried to act innocent. I could've throttled Milky then and there.

A second later, he grabbed Milky and began dancing with her, responding to her lusty moves. He maintained eye contact with me as he swung her from side to side, caressing her hips. He kept a cigarette in his mouth and asked me for a matchbox. I would've just torched his shaggy mane and his head. I couldn't believe I wasted an entire afternoon over this loser. I ignored Milky's smile at me. How dare he?! If he thought he could come to my place and show me attitude, then he was sorely mistaken. I asked the bartender to call Kamal and bring his goons.

As I expected the music stopped within two minutes, and guests rushed to the exit, screaming. Armed men surrounded the stage from all sides. Kamal walked to Rocky. Now that he was cornered, Kamal taunted him, acting all pompous. He aimed his gun at Rocky.

I trailed my fingers over Kamal's arm, making Rocky watch. I gently pushed down a flabbergasted Kamal's arm.

"Don't waste a bullet. He's not worth it", I said snidely.

I felt glad, when I saw Rocky's stunned expression.

"Do you know why I brought everyone here? Not to beat you up, but to show you your worth. You need to have standards even for desiring someone like me.

But I'll give you a chance, to prove your worth. If you can cross all these men and touch me, then I'm yours", I challenged arrogantly.

Kamal looked at me like I had sprouted three more heads, but didn't say a word.

I watched Rocky carefully. He looked at me expressionlessly and turned his freaking back.

He didn't respond to any of the insulting slurs that Kamal's goons called out. He just kept walking without looking back. It should've felt good - declaring my victory. But it didn't. It hurt far worse than seeing him dance with Milky. He discarded me, without a second glance. It proved my suspicions right - I was a mere conquest, that held his attention for a brief while. It was for the better. I needed to move on from this weird Rocky quagmire I was trapped in. While I was busy spiralling downwards, little did I know that Kamal had observed my downcast expression.

I jumped badly, when I heard a loud crash. Some liquid flooded the room, the smell of petrol hit the nostrils heavily. Everyone froze in panic.

Walking towards us, nonchalantly, like a lone wolf was Rocky, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth.

He lighted a match for his cigarette. The room erupted with screams. A boy pleaded with him not to drop the stick. Rocky cruelly twisted the burning match into his palm.

He stood before me his arms extended, fingers inching near my face. I flinched and closed my eyes. If he touched me, he could claim me as his.

The touch never came. I opened my eyes, to see him studying my face intensely.

"It is said that people who are in love are high on jealousy", he spoke to me, as if we were alone.

"A man cannot be called a man, if he lays a finger on a woman, just like a man cannot be called a shooter, just for holding a gun.

Only the people who love me can understand my worth".

He stared intently into my eyes with untold emotions and I found it impossible to look away. He had woven a spell around us, just like in his room earlier.

I jumped slightly when he mocked at the men who had jeered at him earlier. He insulted Kamal with his own words, "If you think you are bad, then I'm your dad". Kamal moved forward, incensed.

"Kamal", my father's voice boomed out of nowhere.

"See, my father-in-law has come", Rocky smirked at me.

I peeped around Rocky to look at my father arriving with his associates Andrews, Daya and his guards.

"Everyone get out", my father ordered roughly. I obeyed, walking around Rocky. I turned around for another glance. I didn't want to move away from him. I walked slowly, trying to understand the situation.

"Who's this guy?", Kamal asked my father.

"He's going to kill Garuda for us", he said.

I froze dead on my tracks. I quickly hid behind a nearby bannister to listen to the rest of the conversation. Everything clicked into place. Father knew about Rocky. He had also known about our outrageous first meeting and he had done nothing.

"What are you doing here, Rocky?", Andrews voice asked.

"I had to speak to your leader. That's why I came to this bar and made the Rajendra Desai himself approach me", said Rocky's bored voice.

"What do you want?", asked father.

"Garuda is not going to come by the smaller road. He'll be fully guarded by his men. It'll be impossible to kill him there. I'll shoot him in the DYSS party office, if we can get in a gun", said Rocky.

"What are you talking about? It'll be heavily guarded. Even ministers undergo a thorough checking", said a shocked Andrews.

"Which means...", said Rocky's voice, hanging in there.

"Garuda will also be checked ", said father.

"We'll get you a gun", father assured.

They seemed done with the conversation. I quickly escaped to my car.

Rocky had been given a suicide mission. By my father! What was he going to do? What will I do?

Author's Note:
Hi guys! I hope you'll like this chapter. Please let me know!

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