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I spent the rest of night thinking. Thankfully, I had gotten past the crying stage after talking with my mom about the whole situation and as of right now I was grieving. I didn't know you could grieve the loss of someone who is alive. Sleeping beside Ben for a week became sort of like a routine that I hoped would become permanent soon. Love is such a powerful thing and I hadn't realized it until now. The love Ben gave me is something so unforgettable and so unique. Not even words can explain how in love with him I am.

I don't even know what is going to happen between the two of us but I thought that he wanted to distance ourselves from each other but then he texted me.

Ben: Oscars on Friday, You coming? Nevermind. I guess distance isn't in the cards for us.

Jen: Ummm yeah most likely, why?

Ben: Just wondering, can I not wonder?

Jen: Why are you acting like that?

Ben: Like what, Jennifer?

Jen: It's not my fault and you know I'm just as upset as you.


What the hell just happened? I hated that he acted like that but I hated arguing with him. I couldn't sleep the rest of that night thinking about him. Not in a depressing way though, I was smiling. I know, I found it weird too. At sunrise, I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make tea and I had an amazing idea. What does a girl always need? Support from their best friend. I called Leah immediately, I knew she would brighten my day.

An hour passed and she showed up in extremely nice clothes, clothes that is too nice for just hanging out on the couch. "Leah?" Don't get me wrong, she looked gorgeous but I thought we were staying in? "Tu madre told me what happened, let's go, we are going dancing." This would be the perfect distraction. "Okay let me call my mom and get dressed."

"You get dressed and I'll call Lupe." I was left without anything to say. I had no time to even say no so I just went with it. Maybe this was meant to be. Maybe I was meant to go out because I'll meet my next big step in life.

Anyways, I got dressed and my mom arrived as I was ready. I kissed my babies and went off with Leah. We had a great time at El Floridita where we had food and danced all night. A few minutes after we ate, I went to the bathroom and I got a text.

Ben: Hey I'm sorry for being such an asshole earlier, you don't deserve that.

Jen: It's whatever, Ben. Now I was being the asshole.

I guess I was also hiding my pain and taking it out on him. I felt terrible about it afterwards but I think what's best is for us to forget about each other. No matter how much that hurt. I stayed in the bathroom for about 10 minutes and walked out when I was ready. As I was walking back to my table, Alex Rodriguez walked past me and headed towards him. Something told me to walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder. So I did.

It felt weirdly right.

"Hi Alex." I could tell he didn't recognize me at first but he was still respectful. "Hi. Jennifer? How are you?" We were both smiling. He was good looking but it's not like I was looking for a realationship right now. Whatever happens, happens. "Good and you? What are you doing in Los Angeles?"

"I'm good, I'm very good. What are you doing in LA?" I chuckled. "Well I live here. You?" I don't know why I found that so funny but I just did. "Oh. Well I'm just here for meeting and other things like that."

"Well, you have my number, reach out." And he did.

That night when I got home I got a text from him. "How about dinner on Friday at 7?" I replied a "Yes" and patiently awaited the coming Friday.

I think I just found my next big love after Ben. Or maybe I was just looking for someone to fill that void now. Like I said, If It happens then it happens.

{Hey loves! Sorry for such a short and boring chapter. I'm running out of ideas and I really don't want to relive this ARod phase but we have to}

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