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Tiarra's POV

I couldn't breathe. I was suffocating. I couldn't make out what was happening. Was this a dream? Wait, no. This was real.

"Mrrf mff!" I tried to yell. I was wide awake now and I was swinging my arms.

"Damn, don't you ever shut up?" Hidan said, opening his eyes and rolling off of the bed. Hidan had rolled over in his sleep on top of me.

"Well if you hadn't almost killed me I would have been silent!" I said, gasping for air afterwards. He just pulled on my arm making me fall off of the bed.

"What the hell is wrong with you, bro!" I yelled at him from the floor. He just ignored me and crawled back into bed. I pulled out my ipod, which still had a full battery, and looked at the time. It was about 6 in the morning. Hidan lay spread out over the whole bed. There wasn't any room for me to even lay.

"Hidan," I started calmly. "If you do not move your ass I will start to sing." I said. He started to wave his arm, not facing me. Fine, if thats how he wants it. I took in a deep breath.

~Thrift Shop (Do not Own)~

"I'm gonna pop some tags, only got twenty dollars in my pocket! I-I-I'm huntin looking for a come-up, this is f****** awesome. Nah, walk up in the club like, 'What up, I got a big c-" I started singing, but Hidan cut me off by jumping out of bed.

"I'm going to kill you!" Hidan screamed at me. I started screaming as he grabbed his Triple Blade death scythe. I ran out of the room before he could draw his circle. I kept running until I ran into someone.

"Ouch. Who the hell-" I stopped when I looked up. Why is he here?! "O-Orichimaru?!" I yelled. He looked down at me and smiled his creepy pedofil-ish smile. Yeah, that's a word now. 

"So you must be the one who can see the future and the past." He said holding out a hand, as if offering to help me up. I grabbed his hand hesitantly and he pulled me up. 

"Y-yeah. That's me." I said, rubbing the back of my neck. I swear if this dude bites me I'm going to scream Rape. I don't want his hickies that he calls "curse marks". 

Orichimaru pulled me from my thoughts. "Why don't you prove it to me?" 

"What?" I asked confused.

"Why don't you show me. Tell me something that will happen to me in the future." I started at him. Well, it's not like I didn't see this coming. I actually thought Pain would ask the day we were brought here. But what happens if I tell them something and completely screw up the story line? I need to think of something.

"Umm, Well you see," I started. Dammit! I need to think of something quick before he catches on. "I can't tell you. If I do it will mess up the future and completely change everything. Then, I will loose my powers completely." I said. Yes! Go Tiarra! Good cover-up. Oh wait! He doesn't look convinced. Shit!

"Okay, fine." He said smirking. "Tell me something about my past." Oh! This I can do.

"You were and are apart of the 'Three Legendary Shinobi."

"Anyone would know that." He said. Fine.

"You have a subordinate names Kabuto Yakushi."

"Someone could have told you that." If that's how he wants it.

"When you were leaving the Leaf village you had a discussion with Sarutobi (3rd Hokage) about you wanting to find immortality. He could have killed you then and there, but he didn't. Is that good enough for you?" I said, with a smile knowing I had won.

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