Is He Serious?

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Tiarra's POV

After Gaara was out of site, the group turned towards me and Lydia.

"Who the hell are you guys?" Sakura asked, in disgust. I rolled my eyes and answered.

"Did you not just hear us? We literally just introduced ourselves. And you're supposed to be the smartest in your class." I mumbled the last part. Lydia heard and nudged me like she was saying "Be nice."

"Yeah, I heard you guys. What are you doing here? Are you guys here for the chunin exams too? You're not wearing any village headbands." She said, observing us.

Lydia rubbed her arm and stared at the ground. Ah, she's acting now.

"We don't really...belong anywhere. These other kids helped us out and snuck us in. I think their names were Kiba, Shino, and Hinata. They were really nice." Lydia says, smiling. Sakura's eyes widened.

"We have to take you to the hokage." She said, grabbing our arms. I pulled away quickly.

"We are more than capable of finding the hokage ourselves." I said, glaring. Lydia stepped on my foot.

"We, uh, may need an escort." Lydia said, glancing at Sasuke.

"Oh barf! Lydia stop flirting with Sasuke. It's unnatural. He isn't even that hot." Naruto started laughing and we high-fived while Lydia rolled her eyes and Sakura looked to be fuming. Konohamaru and his gang had snuck away a little while back ad no one really noticed.

"I can take you guys to gramps!" Naruto said, making a thumbs up. I started giggling.

"Who's flirting now?" Lydia said, smirking. I pushed her and she fell on Sasuke. I laughed and grabbed Naruto's arm and started running.

Lydia's POV

"Tch. Jerk." I said, getting up off of Sasuke. Not that I wanted to, though. I could lay in that boys' arms forever. "Well it was great meeting you guys, but I got to go." I started walking away, while I heard Sakura trying to flirt with Sasuke and he turned her down. I laughed to myself and kept walking along the stony path.

*DO NOT OWN SONG: I Wear My Sunglasses at Night.

"I wear my sunglasses at night

So I can, so I can

Watch you weave

Then breathe your story lines

And I wear my sunglasses at night

So I can, so I can

Keep track of the visions in my eyes." I started singing quietly to myself, when I'm yanked into a bush.

"What the ever loving hell?!" I yell, until I see who it is. "Oh. Sup guys?"

Deidara and Sasori just stare at me.




"Well?! What did you pull me into a bush for??" I ask, rather impatiently.

"Did you forget about our mission?" Sasori asks with a glare.

"Obviously I didn't forget about the mission...what was the mission?"

Deidara facepalms and starts whisper-yelling at Sasori.

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