Now I'm not so sure.

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Tiarra's POV

"A date?!" Ino and Sakura repeated.

"Yes, it's something two people do when they like each other." I say, pulling Sasuke closer to me. Honestly, having Sasuke this close was uncomfortable for the both of us, but the look on Sakura and Ino's faces were just too good. "Oh wait, you two wouldn't know would you?" I finish. They were infuriated. This is just the best.

I look towards Kakashi and wink. He smiles through his mask. I'm sure he thinks this is probably just a joke of mine. I guess he's some what right.

We take our seats, sitting down with everyone. I sat down beside Lydia and Sasuke sat down beside me.

"We had a deal." Sasuke whispered to me. Everyone was staring so I pushed him lightly and blushed.

"Sasuke, don't say that here. There's so many people." Sasuke glared at me and both Sakura and Ino were pissed. I found this whole situation hilarious. Lydia glanced at me and I gave her the 'I'll tell you later' look. She nodded and picked up her menu.

"I thought you didn't like Sasuke-kun." Sakura said, through gritted teeth. I smiled warmly at her and grabbed Sasuke's arm.

"I didn't. That is, until he-" I started giggling before I continued. "Until he, you know, did what he did. He's such a romantic." I could feel Sasuke tense up and I could see him getting angry. I wanted to laugh so badly, but I held it in.

Ino and Sakura kept asking what it was that Sasuke did, but I ignored them both and turned to Shikamaru.

"I don't think we've met. My name is Tiarra." I said, with a warm smile. He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Shikamaru." Is all he said. I nodded and turned to Choji. He was eating a bag of chips while waiting on his food.

"My name is Choji!" He said, with a mouthful of chips. I laughed and said it was nice to meet him. He blushed a little and looked away. Is everyone here this adorable?

I then looked at Asuma-Sensei and Kurenai-Sensei. I kept looking between the both of them and then I looked at Asuma and winked suggestively. Kurenai blushed and Asuma laughed.

"Stop flirting with everyone, Tiarra." Lydia whispered. I punched her.

"I'm not flirting, you dangly dick. If you'd have watched the whole freaking series you'd know that Kurenai and Asuma end up together. I was just winking at him, like I was saying 'get it'." I whispered back. She rolled her eyes and went back to her menu. Everyone was carrying on with their own conversations. I went to pick up my menu, but Sasuke pulled me from the booth suddenly.

"Uhm, we'll be right back!" I yelled, as Sasuke kept pulling me. We ended up going outside of the restaurant, to the side of the building.

"Dude, what the hell! I'm starving!" I yelled at him. Sasuke pushed me against the side of the restaurant.

"You said you would tell me everything if I took you out on a date." He said. I smiled and got closer to his face.

"Yes, but this isn't exactly a date is it? This seems more like a hang out with friends, doesn't it Sasuke-bunny." I booped his nose, and he shoved me against the wall harder.

"You told everyone we were on a date, so it's a date. Now spill, how do you know my brother."

I sighed and shoved him away from me. "Damn Sasuke, I'll tell you after dinner. You're so fucking annoying, you know that right? I don't get it. Even if I tell you how I know your brother, it's not going to make any difference. I don't know where he is, and I can't help you get your revenge." Sasuke just glared. That's all he ever does.

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