Our First Mission

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Tiarra's POV

"Sasori!" I whined. He threw me on the couch and was starting to walk away. "Baby come back! Baby come back to me. In my heart I still believe, we were meant to be.." I started to sing. He didn't even stop.

"Sasori, please don't leave me! Orichimaru is gonna rape me!" Sasori stopped when I said this. He turned around with a slightly confused look.

"What are you talking about? Orichimaru left us a long time ago." I stared blankly at him.

"EHH?!?" I screamed. "B-But I talked to him not to long ago! H-He was here!" I tried to explain to Sasori. I know I seen him! We had a freaking conversation and he asked me questions! Sasori just looked at me like I was a freak or something.I was about to say something else, but Lydia came running back into the room.

"Tiarra! Tobi was acting SEXY!" She yelled. It was probably meant to be a whisper, but it was loud as hell.

"Huh?" Sasori and I asked at the same time. No one else was really paying attention besides Itachi. He didn't look to be paying us any attention, but I could tell he wanted to hear what Lydia was going to say.

"Sasori! Please! This is a private conversation!" Lydia practically yelled. She then grabbed my arm and turned to run, but I stopped her. "Tiarra, we gotta talk in PRIVATE!" She yelled. I ignored her and pulled her over towards Itachi, grabbed his arm, and ran to his room. I pushed them both inside and locked the door. They both looked at me with a confused stare.

"Itachi wanted to hear what you had to say. Plus, he already knows about Tobi." Honestly, I really didn't know if Itachi knew of Tobi. It was too early on to know. I didn't know which part we were in. Probably before Naruto even graduated from the academy. Oh well.

"Wait, you know about Tobi?! He thought I knew about him! So he pushed me against a wall and threatened me. Though, it was kinda hot." Lydia said with a smile.

"Y-You're kidding right?"

"No! He was all.. seductive. He was whispering his threats and it sent chills throughout my body. At first I thought it was fear I was feeling, but it's love!" She screamed. I mentally facepalmed and turned to Itachi.

"Pookie-Bear! Tell Lydia that it's wrong to love someone older than you!" I yelled. He just shook his head. He's going to need to get use to these pet names.

"It is not wrong to love someone younger or older than you. Love is love." He stated. At that moment I leaped onto his lap.

"Aww Bubblebooty! Does that mean you love me!" He poked my forehead.

"No. I do not love anyon-" Itachi started, but I stopped him.

"That's a lie, Itachi. We both know it. You don't need to keep up this front with me. I know both your past and future. You aren't evil. You're sweet. Show us your sweet side." I started to flutter my eyelashes. Itachi just rolled his eyes and lightly pushed me off of his lap. 

"Go train. You need to get stronger." For the first time, Itachi actually smiled for us. I was so excited that he showed me his smile. I didn't think he'd actually smile for us. I stood on my tippy toes and kissed Itachi's cheek before running out. 

"See ya 'Tachi Bear!" I yelled, before closing the door. Lydia and I were running towards the door that leads outside when I remembered what Lydia said. I grabbed her arm.

"Wait! Do you really think Tobi is sexy?!" She just shrugged.

"Well his voice was.." 

"Lydia, he's the same age as Kakashi."

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