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Tiarra's POV

Everyone was talking about what happened in the video and making fun of one another. I, on the other hand, was sitting on the couch pouting.

"What's wrong with you, little bitch?" Hidan asked, taking a seat beside me. I turned my head the opposite way, so that I wasn't facing him.

"You like Lydia more then me, don't you?" I asked, in a low tone. I tried not to laugh in the process. The only reason I'm bringing this up to him, is because we don't hang out that much. I'm going to be glued to his side al day by the end of this conversation.

"The fuck? I don't like either of you!" He responded. He went to stand up, but I grabbed a hold of his hand.

"You're in love with Kakuzu then? Am I not good enough for you?" I asked him. It was getting harder to keep myself from laughing. His face was just priceless.

"What about you? You were all over him last night!" He retorted. Perfect. The exact response I was looking for.

"Are you...jealous, Hidan?" I asked. I hid my smile behind a smirk. It's so fun messing with this jack ass. He pulled his hand away from mine.

"Like hell I am!" He shouted. I started to giggle and jumped up onto his back.

"There's no need to hide how you feel, Hidan! I won't leave your side from this moment on!" I yelled. Lydia looked over at me and started to laugh and shake her head. I laughed too, while Hidan tried to throw me off of his back. He was successful. I fell onto the floor. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. "Why are you so mean?" I asked him. He just laughed.

"Do you know what organization you joined? Of course i'm going to be 'mean'." He said, simply. Well so much for the guilt trip approach. I jumped onto his back again.

"You shit-head! Can't you see I just wanna spend time with your Jashin loving ass! God, I swear you're such a douche-dick sometimes! Now spend time with your favorite bitch!" I screamed. By now everyone was looking. Kakuzu was smirking and Sasori was just shaking his head. "Sorry Kakuzu. I'm stealing your man. And Sasori? What we had was special, but it was just a one time thing. I know you're in love with me, but please. Don't cry for me."

To my surprise, Sasori played along. "I will try my best. It'll be hard, though." I jumped off of Hidan's back and hugged Sasori with tears in my eyes.

"I will miss you. You will always be, my first love." Sasori didn't hug me back. He pushed me away from him.

"I'm done playing around. Don't touch me."

"Well, it was fun while it lasted. Hidan! Be my horsie!" I yelled as I jumped on his back, for the third time. I love hanging out with these guys.

Lydia's POV

I stopped paying attention to Tiarra's little show. I had better things to take care of. Deidara just called me a whore. I turned back towards him and started to do a little dance.

"I don't understand, bitch. I don't understand. I don't understand, bitch. I don't understand!" I sang. He looked at me with a 'WTF' face. That was my chance. I grabbed his head and put him inna head-lock.

"What did you call me? Huh? Huh!" He started to struggle and ended up knocking me over. We both fell to the ground, with him slightly hovering over me. Neither one of us said a word. He was so close to my face, I could feel is breath. I knew my face was red, but I couldn't move. Deidara started to lean in.

Everything was happening so slowly. Did I want this? You know what, why not? I should kiss him. I already made up my mind. I closed my eyes, and waited for it to happen.

"Go horsie go!" I heard. I opened my eyes and saw Tiarra and Hidan coming straight at us. Tiarra's hands were over Hidan's eyes. "Wait, stop horsie!" Tiarra yelled. Hidan didn't stop in time. He tripped over Deidara which sent them both crashing to the floor. I sat up and glared at Tiarra.

"Owwie!" Tiarra said, holding her leg. Such a drama queen. She started rolling around on the ground, whining. I wasn't going to help her. She ruined my kiss with Deidara. I looked around and everyone was whistling, trying to look like they were busy. Sasori rolled his eyes and helped her up. I stood up and skipped over to Kisame.

"Sup Fish Stick. Haven't talked to you inna while." I said, with a smile. He just smirked.

"I saw what you were about to do." I blushed a bit, but put on an innocent act.

"I Don't know what you're talking about."

"You know very well what I'm talking about."

"At least my milkshake doesn't bring boys to the yard." I retorted, bring up the video.

"Why? Does yours bring girls?" He asked, with a smirk. That...that...stupid dumb bucket head soup can! Yeah, im not the best at giving names, so what!

"Whatever. I'm leaving. I never liked you anyways." I walked over towards Sasuke's brother next. I forgot his name.

"Hey..buddy." I said, elbowing him. He just glared at me. Crap, I forgot he has that eye power thingy.

"It's called a Sharingan!" Tiarra yelled from across the room.

"Thanks!" I yelled back. People were staring at us. "Telepathy." I said. They still looked confuzzled. "We're twins. From different parents. And we don't alike, but we know what the other is thinking." They still looked confuzzled. Ohh well. It's not my job to explain it to them. "So....Sharingan dude.. Why'd you do it?" I asked. He just looked at me. "Nevermind.." I said. I wasn't going to bring up the whole mass murder clan thing. From what Tiarra's told me, he's actually a nice person.

I started to walk away and I ran into Tobi. "Hey Tobi." I said with a smile. He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the nearest hallway. He slammed me against the wall.

"I know that you know about me. That I'm not who I appear to be." Tobi said, in a deeper voice then usual. What's happening? What's he talking about?

"If you tell anyone, about who I am or my power, I won't hesitate to kill you and your friend." He let me go and walked away. I slid to the ground and started to catch my breath. Stupid dummy. I had no idea what he was talking about. I will just have to ask Tiarra later. Wait, can I even tell her?

Ehh, screw it. I hate hard decisions. I'm going to tell her anyways.

*Hey guys! Sorry it's so short. I'm really trying to come up with ideas. I'm open to suggestions ^^ If you have any, you can inbox them to me. If I use any, I will dedicate the next chapter to you :D

I will update within the next 2 weeks.

Until then..

*;Peace out Bitches;*

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