Eddie x Reader: My little angel

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Y/N never expected to come home one day and witness the most heartbreaking scene ever in her  life. Her sixteen year old daughter Josie screaming at her poor dad while he stood in the corner of the room with a pleading look in his eyes.
Today Josie had plans with her friends and since Y/N were working, Eddie was the one left to drive her and her friends to the movies and then pick them up to drive them back home. All was well in the morning before she left for work, but now it felt like Hell had broken loose.

"Josie, sweetheart please listen to me..." Eddie was trying to speak with his daughter who seemed to be fuming with anger.

"Gosh, dad, can you for once act like a normal dad?! Isn't it enough that the people in this town call you a freak ever since you can remember yourself and embarrass us everywhere we go, now you make me look like a fool in front of my friends!" Screamed Josie on the top of her lungs.

Hearing those words made Y/N's heart sink, she couldn't even imagine what Eddie was feeling right now.
Ever since Josie was born she had her dad wrapped around her little finger. Eddie used to get up the second his little angel started letting out fussy noises, holding her sweetly to his chest until she calmed down.  You'll always remember when one night you woke up to an empty bed and bassinet, only to find your husband holding your six months old daughter singing an unfamiliar song to her, in attempt to make her cries stop and so far it was working. Josie had taken a fist of her dad's shirt,her head of curls leaning on his chest as she slept peacefully. All while Eddie was quietly singing to her.
" I haven't heard that song before Eds. Is it new?" Y/N asked, leaning on the wall as she enjoyed the most precious view ever.
"Oh, I didn't hear you get up. Yes, it's... it's a new one, I just scribbled down the lyrics on a piece of paper, it's about her, our little angel." Said Eddie as he stares down at her little sleeping form.
"Oh Eds, it's beautiful." Said his wife as she wrapped her arms around his waist, trying not to wake up their daughter. "You should finish it and maybe sing it to her when she's older. She's gonna love it." Said Y/N as she took his cheek in her hand and kisses him softly.
Josie and Eddie had always been inseparable, until that same little girl hit puberty.
"Josie, baby..." Y/N started, trying to reason with her daughter before she said something else that was going to hurt her father even more.

"No,mom. I'm tired of this! I just want a normal dad, a dad that doesn't act like a teenager and doesn't tell my friends stories from when I was little so that he can embarrass me and make me feel like a fool. Gosh, I wish I had another father. " Said Josie before she left the living room and ran up the stars to her bedroom, slamming the door shut.
Y/N looked at her husband's direction, seeing a lonely tear fall down his cheek, he had the most heartbreaking look on his face that she's ever seen. In all of their sixteen years of marriage she had only seen him cry once,when their daughter was born and he had her small hand wrap around his pinky. That was the only time Eddie ever cried in front of her.

"Oh Eds." Y/N said as she ran to him, embracing his shaking form, kissing his head while he let out quiet whimpers of sorrow.

"The only thing I've ever wanted...was a family. A loving family...and now,now m-my daughter hates me. She hates me." Eddie cried out as he hugged his wife who was starting to tear up as well.
"She doesn't hate you, love. You're her dad, she loves you to death and you know that. Please, don't think such things." His wife tried to comfort him as much as she could.

"I saw the look in her eyes,love, pure anger, hatred. I.. I've never felt worse than I did a few minutes ago Y/N. My own daughter, the little girl that used to look for me when she had a nightmare or when she was upset now can't even look at me, without wishing she had another father." Eddie was now fully crying, his heart breaking again and again every time he re-lived that moment from a few minutes ago.

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