Eddie x Reader: A quiet life

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A/N: Hello guys! I want to thank everyone who spent a few minutes to check out my new book and give their support! If you have any requests please feel free to share them with me I love developing new ideas with the help of others <3 Love you and see you next time!

Y/N met Eddie in the year of 1990 while you were at work. She owned a record shop, a dream of hers ever since she was a little girl, listening to her father's favorite rock bands on the record player at home. Her dad was a music teacher who taught guitar during his free time as well, so music was quite a big part of Y/N's entire life.

It was restock day and the shop was quite busy as well, everyone rushing to get their hands on Metallica's new album "The Good, the Bad & the Live" and the poor girl and her only employee were struggling to keep up,to say the least.
The shop was about to close for lunch break when the bell above the entrance door rang for the God knows which time today.

"I'm sorry,but we are just about to go on our lunch break, if you don't mind waiting we'll be with you in about 30 minutes..." Y/N started, her back was facing the customer who had just arrived.

"Oh sorry about that, I guess I can wait outside. 30 minutes you say?" Asked an oddly familiar voice.

"Yeah..." Y/N turned around and was met with a man with long fluffy hair and chocolate brown puppy eyes. "Wait, have we met somewhere?" Asked the girl, confused by the man's familiar but at the same time unknown face.

"Is this how flirting is done now? I need to take notes on that." Laughed the man, his smile able to melt hearts on the spot.

"No, it's just, I've seen you somewhere, I just don't know where. Sorry, it's been very busy today and I'm starting to imagine things. What do you need I can spare a few more minutes?" Said Y/N shaking her head in embarrassment as she just sounded like a fool that was trying to flirt with a customer.

"Well I'm looking for Metallica's new album,not sure if you still have it though, I've been to at least 5 record stores already and it was sold out everywhere." Said the charming man. "As for the question if you know me from somewhere, I'm in a band,we play every Friday in a bar nearby,you could've seen us there,our last show was three days ago."

"Oh God,yes!  I was at "Rock the Dock" last week with a friend, he wanted us to see a band that was performing there! What was the name? Dammit! Cor-corr something...Ahh." The girl stuttered as she was struggling to remember the name of the mysterious band she had listened to not even a week ago.

"Corroded coffin?!" The man helped freshen her memory, a big smile plastered on his face as he watched her stubbornness and the cute faces she made while thinking.

"Yes! Yes! Corroded coffin, that was the name! You were the lead guitarist right?! That's where I remember you from. I really liked your music guys, it's even better knowing that a lot of your songs are written by the band itself and not just covers of already famous songs. And the rhythm, don't get me started I love it so much, I should come see you guys again sometime,aaand I should probably stop rambling, sorry.'' said the flustered girl, her cheeks red as a tomato.

"No,no it's no problem, I'm so happy that someone finds our music and hard work fascinating, we've been a band since high school and we've barely gotten any praise for our work. Hearing you talk about how much you liked our performance gives me hope that we might make it someday. My name's Eddie Munson by the way, I think it's proper to finally introduce myself given the fact that I'm taking time out of your lunch break to talk about my band." Said Eddie, stretching his hand towards Y/N.

"I'm Y/N,nice to meet you, and it's no problem, music is my life, when it comes to a conversation about it I have no problem to spare as much time as possible,also, my coworker should be back soon so she will be able to cover for my as well."said Y/N, awkwardly scratching the back of her neck. "Now about the record you're looking for...we already sold out everything but...there are two left at the back, I saved them for me and my brother but I think I can wait another week to get another one for myself, let me go get it for you." She gave Eddie a sweet smile and she headed towards the back room of the store.

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