Steve x Reader: The way time heals

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Y/N never expected to find love again after her husband's death, but it seems like miracles do happen. She was left to raise her 8 month old daughter alone after her husband who was in the military was killed during a mission he was sent to.
At first life seemed impossible to continue,she wondered how she was going to make ends meet, how to raise her daughter alone. Her mother came over for a few months, helping  rearrange their entire life. She watched little Maisie while Y/N was working and helped around the house so that she wouldn't get overwhelmed with everything going on.
It's been two years since this happened. Y/N was handling things pretty good for a single parent. Maisie was now old enough to go to a nursery while her mom was at work. The two of them were doing just fine, Y/N was recovered, if you can say so, from the severe trauma her husband's death caused her. Her best friend was finally able to convince her to go on a date and try to bring her love life back on track. The young woman was hesitant at first but when she met Steve and he found the courage to ask her out she decided why not try once. He seemed like a nice man. The two of them met on a playground, Y/N was on her day off and she was spending it with Maisie when the little girl came running to her with another girl to her side, excited to introduce you to her new friend. A few seconds later Steve came running, looking for the little girl, whose name was Daisy,the daughter of his best friend, as he explained. He was given the task to babysit while his friend and his wife were away for the day for a short trip.
Their first date went went,it was followed by a second and a third one and many more, Steve was falling in love with her,and she was too,there was just one little voice at the back of her head, talking about the responsibility and commitment Steve was going to have to take if you accepted to officially become his girlfriend. That's how you ended up in the situation you were in now. After another amazing date, Y/N and Steve were laying down on his bed, limbs tangled, bodies pressed together. Steve was caressing softly Y/N's soft skin as she was getting sleepy.
"Go to sleep, pretty girl. I'll be here when you wake up." He said with a whisper, kissing her head softly.
"I really want to,Stevie, but there's something we need to talk about." She said, shaking away her sleepiness as she propped herself on her elbow in order to get a better look at Steve.
"What is it?" He asked, bringing his hand up to her soft cheek. He was the nervous expression on her face and felt the way her body tensed against his. "Hey, look at me. Whatever it is, you can tell me. There's nothing to be nervous about." He added.
"It's just...ever since things started to get more serious between us, there's always this tiny voice at the back of my head, always bringing up the commitment and responsibilities you'll have to commit to,if we decide to take out relationship further on." She explained, her eyes avoiding his as nerves were getting the best of her .
" Baby, you should've shared your concerns with me the second you though about that. To be honest, at first I was quite worried about how Maisie was going to react towards me, I knew that was and still is an important factor for you. But seeing this little girl,the way she smiles, the way she runs towards me for hugs and kisses,to show me her drawings or to give me one her imaginary cakes,makes me the happiest I've ever been. There's no doubt that I'd do everything I can to make this little girl happy and be the one of the best examples for her in the future. That is only...if you'd let me." Steve said. His eyes held hope, affection and many more positive emotional towards the two most important women in his life.
"Oh Steve." Y/N exclaimed as she threw her hands around Steve's neck, kissing him affectionately after hearing him talk so passionately about her and her daughter, the way his eyes sparkled made her heart beat so fast that she could've sworn it might've exploded if Steve continued talking.
"I love you so much, baby. I know that I will never be Maisie's real father, but at least I can be the one who raises her and helps her become an amazing person, alongside her beautiful mother who I have the honor of holding in my hands right now." Said Steve, a big smile plastered on his face as he leaned in for another kiss.
Their lips moved together so perfectly, like they were made for each other. Steve's hands grasped Y/N's hips as he brought her to sit on his lap as he leaned on the headboard on the bed.
"I have a question for you, my love." Said Steve as he interrupted their intimate moment.
"Oh my God, are you proposing? Steve if you're proposing right now I'm going to freak out, I don't think this is the time." Y/N panicked as she looked in her partner's eyes while he started laughing."What's so funny, Harrington?" She asked, hitting his chest softly.
"I'm not proposing,babe,at least not yet. My question was about something else. You don't have to agree immediately or at all,know that." He said.
"Okay, let's hear it."
"I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me. I know that we're only dating and with a toddler it might not be the best moment to switch houses,but, we spent so much time together that at the end of the day I come back to an empty house while knowing that on the other side of town my woman and beautiful little girl are away from me and my heart hurts. I just want us to be together." He said as he fiddled with his hands, something he did when he was nervous.
"Oh Steve, of course I'd love to. It's not weird baby, I feel the same way. Also, Maisie has been asking so much about you lately, the other night she was crying in the middle of the night because she woke up and wanted to see "Stevie" but you weren't there and my heart clenched listening to her cries." Y/N said as with a small smile, looking at the man she's come to love and the way his eyes got brighter when he heard about little Maisie wanting him to comfort her after a bad dream.
"So... it's a plan then. We're moving in together. Gosh I'm so happy,baby, I'll finally come back to a house full of life, not just a ghostly building that I only use to sleep and shower in. I'm so happy." He said, bringing her body close to his once again as he flipped them so that Y/N was on her back while he was hovering above her, admiring her beauty.
"Now let's spend the rest of the night doing quality activities before there are toddlers running around, checking out. every room their eyes fall on" He said as he dipped his head down, claiming her sweet lips with his. And they spent the rest of the night doing many other things but sleep.

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