Eddie Munson x Reader

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It's been a while since the Hawkins band decided to have a reunion. Seven years ago everyone left the small town and two years ago was the last time Y/N had seen all of her friends together in one place. The older ones, including her, were busy making a life for themselves, while the younger ones were focusing on college. The first to leave were Y/N and Eddie. They decided to wait a year after Eddie's graduation to move away, spending the time saving up and figuring out the moving process. The couple ended up in Fort Wayne where Eddie got a job as a music instructor in a kids center. He taught kids and teenagers how to play the guitar and he loved every single part of the job. It allowed him to stay connected to music during work hours and spread knowledge about it among the younger generation. Y/N worked at a restaurant as one of the chefs. At first the owner was quite hesitant about hiring a person who didn't go to culinary school, but Y/N being Y/N didn't let him cut her off that quickly. The girl stood her ground, insisting to be allowed to show her skills and what she was capable off. She had spent her whole life around her grandmother and mother who were both involved in the cooking industry before life decided to take them away from the young girl way too soon. Their legacy lived through their little girl who never forgot everything they've taught her. That's how she ended up working as a chef. After some time she was even allowed to include a dish of her own in the menu which ended up becoming the restaurant's golden dish that everyone thought of when the place was mentioned.

The two lived a happy life, keeping up with their friend's lives through letters and phone calls. Around five years after their departure from Hawkins the two found out they were going to be expanding their family. That wasn't the only surprise, a few weeks after Y/N found out she was pregnant Eddie received a phone call from panicked but also extremely happy Steve, who served them the news that he was going to be a father as well. His girlfriend, Lauren,that he had been living for around two years now was also pregnant. Not long after that everyone from their friend group knew about the upcoming additions to their circle and couldn't help but be happy about it. Dustin seemed the most excited, having weekly calls with both couples, asking about his nieces or nephews . He was also the first one from the younger ones to arrive after receiving the news of the fresh, little Munson who had arrived a few hours ago. Sprinting through the hospital's parking lot he almost didn't see Robin who was waiting for him at the entrance. When the two entered the room where Y/N was in they were met with the silence of the room being broken by quiet gurgles and whines from the new life in the small room. Eddie was holding his baby boy, trying to get him to fall asleep while his wife stared at them lovingly, a few tears escaping her eyes.

From that day onwards little Brandon, Bran for short, became Dustin's favorite person and vice versa. Dustin visited every chance he got, splitting his free days between Bran and little Daisy, who was born two months after him to Steve and Lauren.

The others were too far away in the country to be able to visit as constantly as Dustin, who stayed close to home and still went to college. Despite the distance, everyone was kept up with everyone's life and what was going on.
It was a normal Monday when Y/N answered the ringing phone while balancing Bran on her hip.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Hey, Y/N, it's Lauren. I hope I'm not disturbing you." Said the other woman.
"No,no it's fine. How have you been? What's going on?" Asked Y/N.

"Everything is fine, life's great, nothing new. I'm calling about an idea Steve has been thinking of  for quite some time. A few months ago we got this beautiful lake house, and since the moment we bought it Steve has constantly been talking about getting the entire friend group together there for a nice family vacation. Yesterday we finally decided to start calling everyone and so far Robin, Dustin, Mike and Nancy said yes, you're next on our list. So, what do you think? I know it's sudden and you might need some time to talk with Eddie so don't feel pressured to answer right away!" Explained Lauren while a smile found its way on Y/N's lips which didn't remain unnoticed by Eddie.

Like a school girl he made it's way towards his now wife, nudging her shoulder gently and squishing his son's soft cheeks.

"Babe" he whispered, "who is it? What's going on?" He asked, leaning towards the phone in attempt to hear a part of the conversation.

"Give me second, Lauren, Eddie's right here I'll ask him now and give you an answer. Don't hang up please." She said, taking the phone away from her ear.

"It's Lauren, her and Steve want the entire group to go visit their lake house for a week or so and have a much needed get together. What do you say?" Y/N asked her husband.

"Sounds really nice to me, but ask which week are they talking about exactly so that we know how to plan our days off." He said with a smile.

"Oh yeah,I forgot about that. I'll ask right now."

The day finally came and everyone was now gathered at the back of the house at the dock. Some of the kids,as Y/N still saw them were inside the house watching a movie while the rest were outside splashing in the cold water seeking for relief of the tiring heat. Steve had Daisy in his arms while the two were swimming around the lake, the little girl squealing from excitement, swinging her arms around the water. Meanwhile Y/N was at the edge of the small dock, a camera in her hands as she filmed Eddie who was trying to teach their son how to swim.

"Now, my champion, keep your mouth shut and breathe through your nose, okay?" Eddie said while holding his son under his armpits, a small lifejacket around the boy's body. "Relax, Bran,keep calm." He added.

"Now start kicking your feet, if you want to turn, kick with one foot only. If you kick with your right foot now you'll see mommy. C'mon, try it, look at mommy." He said, letting go of Bran while the boy started doing exactly what his dad told him. First, kicking with his two feet and then using only the right one, as he did that his puppy brown eyes fell on his mom who was smiling from ear to ear with the camera in her hands.

"I'm so proud of you baby, you're doing it,you're swimming!" She exclaimed, her head full of joy.

"I'm swimming mommy, I'm swimming!" He yelled happily.

"Look at you, my little rockstar, you're moving around like a professional." Eddie said, pulling his son by his side giving him hugs and kisses.
Y/N stood there and watched her two boys with adoration. This is everything she's ever wanted from life. Steve and Lauren also watched from the sides, happy that their friends were experiencing the best versions of their lives. Nobody and nothing would ever make them want something more than a happy and s stable family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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