Steve Harrington x Reader: The way time heals Pt.2

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It's been six months since Y/N and little Maisie moved in with Steve in his house and things could not be better. The two have been together for almost a year and a half now, Maisie was attached to Steve's hip at every second possible. Things were going great, until one day Y/N received a call while she was at work,it was Maisie's grandma, who demanded that her grandchild be handed over to her since she didn't want her living with a man who was not her father.
The moment she got home that day she bursted in ugly tears. She's never had problems with Willa before,the older woman was so sweet and caring while Y/N was dating and layer married her late husband Jeremy,but now she was a whole other person.

When Steve got home, carrying Maisie on his shoulders, and he saw his upset partner crying on the couch in the living room, he quickly sprinted upstairs to leave the toddler in her room with some toys before he went back downstairs to find out what was happening.

When he heard the whole story he was at loss of words. He had heard stories about Y/N's mother-in-law,but he never thought the woman would turn out to be so wicked that she'd try to separate a mother from her own child because she didn't want another man in her granddaughter's life. He was ready to do everything in his power to prevent the love of his life's suffering. Even if that meant stepping away from her life.
"Love, we might be able to reason with her. You can invite her over,maybe if she sees the way our relationship is and the connection I've built with Maisie she'd change her mind? Why not try that?" He said as he was hugging her while she still cried.

"I tried, Steve. This is the first thing I offered when she told me what she wanted. She's so stubborn and demanding on what she wants that she's ready do overstep boundaries to get it her way." Explained Y/N. "There was this period of time, before me and Jeremy got married, when she would try everything in her power to separate us,and she almost succeeded. If it wasn't for me getting pregnant with Maisie. That's what prevented her from going any further. Now she has nothing else to do than try and ruin my life for finding love again." She was crying once again with ugly tears as she remembered the past with Jeremy.

"Do you... Do you want us to separate, Y/N? I really love you , I do, but nothing is more important than that little girl upstairs and you. If you decide that you want me gone, I will be gone. But if you allow me, I'd stay with you every step of the way in attempts to keep our daughter safe and happy." He said as he took her face in his warm hands, staring deeply into her soul. 

"Our daughter." Y/N repeated with a small smile as she realized what Steve just said.


"You said our daughter, Steve." She smiled once again as she leaped into his arms, overjoyed to hear him speak of Maisie as his own.

"Well, of course she's my daughter, I mean, she didn't come from me but she will grow up with me." He said as he nuzzled his head in her neck, taking in the sweet smell of her shampoo. "The three of us are already like a family, no matter if there's blood relation or not."
"Four." Y/N mumbled quietly while her head was buried in Steve's jacket.

Hearing what she said he froze immediately, thinking that his mind was playing tricks or maybe Y/N was too upset to even think straight about what she was saying.

"What? What did you say?" He asked, seeking some kind of confirmation that he wasn't going crazy and that he did not need an appointment to get his ears checked.

"I'm late,Steve." She said as she let go of his neck and stood up in front of him. " I should've started my period a two weeks ago. Today I was about to go out and buy a test when Willa called..." She started explaining with an unsure expression on her face when Steve interrupted her.
" mean to tell might be pregnant?" He asked ,his voice barely above a whisper. His eyes sparkled with tears that were trying to escape and run down his cheeks. His heart was beating so fast that he thought he might just die on the spot, but right now that was definitely not an option.

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