Eddie Munson x Reader: Class of '86 baby

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"Eds, if you don't hurry up were going to be late!" Y/N shouted, her voice echoing around the house.
"I'm coming, babe, I was having a hard time handling the beast." Eddie responded, exiting the bathroom. His hair, the beast, as he and his wife like to call it, was finally tamed after an hour of struggles. Y/N wore a beautiful red dress made out of silk that fell all the way past her knees. Her auburn hair bringing out the color of her eyes, making them look all mesmerizing and sparkly.
The two were about to go to a 10 year high school reunion, and they were doing it with style. Eddie wasn't the biggest fan of it, but Y/N was too excited for him to say no to her. Ever since they left Hawkins after graduation the couple never stepped a foot again in the small town. Whenever they wanted to have a small reunion with their friends or family they were always the one who hosted, in their house. This was a nice excuse for all of their friends to go on a small vacation for a couple of days, given the fact that the Munsons lived two states away and the trip was too long to only go for one day.
During the years both Eddie and Y/N changed in a different type of way. Y/N went to law school, the girl was ambitious and smart, and her boyfriend was there for her every step of the way supporting every single decision of hers. There she was now 10 years later, a successful lawyer working for a big law firm on New York.
Eddie decided that he wanted to make his girl proud and went to community college. Nothing too special, but the important thing was that he got his education back on track. He got his BA in Music, then proceeded to open up a record shop and keep his love for music in his work life as well.
When Y/N got the invitation for the reunion two months ago she wasted no time to show it to Eddie,who apparently did not get one. However, the woman insisted for him to come as his plus one. Deep down she wanted to show everyone the amazing husband she had, that everyone was wrong for acting the way they did when her and Eddie were in high school.
And that's how they ended up here, in Hawkins, Eddie behind the wheel of their car, on their way to the high school that held so many memories,both good and bad.
"After you, my lady." Eddie said, opening the door for his wife. She took his hand, helping herself out of the vehicle.
"Are we ready to go in?" Y/N asked, unbuttoning the last button of her husband's shirt to freshen up his looks. "You look nervous, love." She added as she gave him a sweet kiss on the lips trying to lessen the tension.
"I'm a bit nervous,yes. I never expected to come back to this town even if it was only for two days. You go in,love, I need a smoke. I'll be with you shortly." He said as he returned her kiss and then proceeded to take out a box of cigarettes out of his pocket.
"Okay then, I'll see you in a bit." She said, while heading for the entrance of the school.
The moment she entered the gym,where the event was held at, her eyes fell on a familiar face that hadn't really changed much during the years. Chrissy was smiling at her as she walked in her direction to give her a big hug.
The two used to be very good friends until Y/N and Eddie left Hawkins and the two lost contact. Despite the time that had passed the two still felt a very strong connection with the other one.
They started a conversation immediately, asking questions about the other one's life. Chrissy had already read a few articles about Y/N's career in the newspaper but Y/N herself had absolutely no idea what happened with Chrissy after graduation. Turns out the cheerleader ended up getting a degree in teaching and now was a gym teacher at the very same high school she studied at. Her and Jason were married for 7 years and had a little boy named David, before they got a divorce. Chrissy claiming that the relationship felt more like an obligation than pure feelings.
Y/N was happy that her friend was happy, living her best life with her little boy.
The flow of their conversation was interrupted by a loud voice coming from the entrance of the gym. There stood Jason with a smug smirk on his face, right next to him was Eddie, Jason held him by his shoulders, and from his expression Y/N knew exactly what was going to happen. Bit she wasn't going to let a grown up man make fun of her husband and act like a toddler.
"Look who I found, everyone! Our freak decided to show up even though he didn't get an invite!" His voice echoed in the large building.
Eddie was standing there embarrassed, flashbacks entering his mind, flashbacks he fought so hard to erase from his mind.
When Y/N saw the expression on his face her heart clenched, he looked like a kicked puppy,and she was not going to stand for that.
"I see you haven't changed much, Carver, still the same old bully, only that now you're almost 30 years old and still act like a teenager." Y/N said, heading in the direction her husband was almost held hostage at.
"Sweet,old Y/N. I see you haven't changed much, you've only gotten more beautiful. Can't say the same about Munson right here." Said Jason, patting Eddie's shoulders.
" Be careful how you talk about my husband. I get quite protective over him." Responded Y/N, returning Jason's smug smile that was now replaced with a frown.
"What?" He laughed out loud. "You and Munson? Married? Even if I saw that I wouldn't believe it." He continued laughing as people were starting to give him weird looks.
"What's so hard to believe, Jason? The only thing stopping us from having a peaceful relationship was your constant nagging and bullying. Once we were out of this Godforsaken town our lives got nothing but happier. Can't say the same about you."
Jason had an embarrassed look on his face as he realized nobody was actually paying attention or seemed to care about his opinion on Eddie's marriage. After all, most of his classmates had matured over the years while he was still stuck in 1986, trying to bring back to life his popularity, without any luck.
Hearing her words, Jason got as red as a tomato, letting Eddie free as he went by his wife's side, taking a hold of her waist, bringing her closer to his body.
The high school jock started looking around, people were whispering and quietly laughing while looking at him direction. Chrissy was shaking her head disapprovingly, embarrassed by her ex husband's behavior.
His ego couldn't take it anymore which resulted in him leaving the gym, running to his car and driving away.
That left the rest of the people free to catch up with their lives, exchange information about their lives and where it had taken them.
A few men that Eddie used to share classes with found out about his record shop and took him aside to talk about it.
Y/N met up with her old friends, she was swarmed with questions about her job, how she liked living in New York and was also asked to talk about how her and Eddie got married.  All of the women, including Chrissy were ecstatic when she told them about how they eloped the day after graduation and a few days after that left for New York where Y/N was accepted in law school. They danced, ate cake and made a lot of toasts, celebrating their reunion and the difference direction life had taken them at.
At the end of the night,the married couple got home tired from all the questioning. Y/N fell asleep in the way to the house and Eddie had to help her walk as if she was heavily intoxicated.
"C'mon love, let's get you go bed." He said as the two walked up the stairs, Y/N trying to rub away the sleep from her eyes.
"I don't want to sleep, Eds. I want to spend time with you." She mumbled sleepily, earning a laugh from the man.
"As much as I like the offer you're tired love. We have a flight to catch tomorrow afternoon I need you fresh for the airport. You're tired from being all badass and sexy tonight. You deserve your rest." He said as he settled her in bed, kissing her forehead.
"I wasn't going to let anyone disrespect my husband. He deserved what I said to him. I love you Eddie. I'll always protect you." She said, letting out a small whine as she demanded another kiss, making kissy face at him.
"And I'm thankful for it, love. You're the best woman anyone could wish for. Now go to sleep." He responded after giving her the demands affection.
Turns out time changes some people while it doesn't do anything for others. Moral of the story is that you should never judge someone by their past.

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