Eddie x Reader: The year of 2001

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"Come on sweetheart, we're about to be late!" A shout echoed through the house as Y/N was  still looking at shirt options that would be able to cover her swollen stomach.

"In a minute Eds, I'm still not ready." Y/N yelled back a response as she let out a huff,another shirt of hers being too tight to even go past her boobs.

"What's taking you so long-" Asked Eddie entering the room , a smile appearing on his face as he saw her on the floor in front of the mirror, legs crossed under her belly and a pile of clothes all around.

"They don't fit Eds! Just yesterday I had no problem putting on all of them and today they can't even go past my boobs!" Y/N let out a frustrated sight.

"Is that supposed to be an issue for me?" Asked Eddie with a smirk on his face as he headed towards her. "Sweetheart that's barely a problem to be worried about, first because we both know that is because you're growing an entire human in there, and second because you know how in love I am with your body all the time no matter the situation. I promise you tomorrow we're going to buy some new,bigger clothes that fit you,as for now you can wear one of mine." He said as he held her face with his hands, sweet brown eyes staring right at the woman that he loved so much, giving her the needed comfort.

"Okay,okay, let me borrow one,we don't want to be late for the movie." Said Y/N , shaking her head while drying the couple of tears that had formed in her eyes.

"That's the spirit baby." He said, jumping excitedly as he dove in the wardrobe, taking out one of his shirts for his wife to wear.

She took it with a smile on her face as she put it on, it went down with no problem all the way to her waist, her belly was still quite visible but it was covered and that is what mattered.

"Let's go now pretty girl, I've been waiting for this movie for 20 years now, can't wait any longer." Said Eddie as he took a hold of her hand, keys in his other hand as he sprinter through the house towards the car, his wife waddling behind him.

It was the year of 2001 and today was the first ever screening of "Lord of the rings: The fellowship of the ring". Ever since Eddie found out they were adapting one of his favorite books in a movie he's been talking about it non-stop, how they're going to the first ever screening of the movie and how one day he was going to see it with his child as well and all the sequels as well.

She couldn't help but be happy for him, seeing the excitement on his face as he talked about all the future plans he had with her and their child when they are born.

The movie hall was crowded, buzzing with life and conversations of all the other fans that went to see it.
"There, those are our seats, baby." Said Eddie as he directed his wife through the crowd,his hands on her waist supporting her aching back as she held a paper container with popcorn and made her way through the people.

"I can't believe I'm alive to see this, babygirl. I'm 36 years old, with a child on the way and a beautiful wife, watching what is about to become my favorite movie ever. I can't be more thankful for everything we have,for you,for what we are about to have." Spoke Eddie as Y/N watched him, mesmerized.

"I know Eddie, I love everything we have as well. We worked hard for it,to get out of that shitty town we used to call home,to secure ourselves a place to live,a place among society where we wouldn't be called freaks or satanists. And I know you love it too,but now,now he have a movie to watch." Y/N said, cupping her husband's cheek as she started at him lovingly.

Eddie let out a laugh at the end, realizing that they were still in a movie theater and the long awaited masterpiece was about to start, so It probably wasn't the best place or moment for deep conversations.

"You're right, sweetheart. Let's enjoy this moment without any more flashbacks." He said as he took a hold of his wife's hand, giving it a light squeeze. "You better watch...well...more like listen, little Munson. One day you'll be watching it with us when you're here and maybe a little bit older. You're going to love it little buddy." Eddie added as he caressed Y/N's round stomach, receiving a few kicks from his future best friend.

"Might be a princess, you never know Eds." Said Y/N.

"Whatever it is, I'll make sure we have the time of our lives together." 

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