Chapter One (Suicidal)

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Most of these characters belong to Stephanie Meyers, I may add some new characters to the story.

CHAPTER ONE (Suicidal)

Bella's POV

It has been four months since Edward left me in the woods. I still can wrap my mind on the fact that he left. I feel so alone without him. I thought Edward had truly loved me, I guess it all was a lie. All I want to do since that fatal day is die. I don't know how much longer I can live with out him. Every time I fall asleep I dream of that day he left me alone in the woods.

Suddenly their is a knock on my door, I quickly closed my journal and shoved it underneath my pillow. I said in a low voice, "Come in." Charlie opened the door slowly and he asked, "How are things going at school Bella?" I replied, "School has been okay. Plenty of homework and so little time to do it." Charlie replied, "Well, I'll just leave you alone to work on it. I'll order pizza tonight." I replied, "That sounds good dad." Charlie leaves my room without saying another word.

I lied to Charlie when I said I had a lot of homework and little time to do it. I have no homework at all. I just wanted to be alone, I just can't stand being around people or humans anymore. Once you've been in the presence of a vampire, your whole view of life changes.


I got up earlier than usual and started to get ready for school. I quickly took a shower and got dress, I headed into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I rushed outside to my truck and headed to a familiar place, the Cullen's house.

About twenty minutes later, I reached the end of what used to be there driveway. I pulled to a stop in front of their house. I knew none of the Cullen's would become back to their house for a very long time. I got out of my red truck and walked up the steps and sat on the porch swing. This is the place where I would like to die, I could never think of a better place. I decide to head inside the house, I took a hair pin out of my hair and picked the lock. I easily get it to unlock and head inside, I head straight for Edward's room. His room is the only spot I want to be the most.

There are too many memories of this place, most of them were actually good memories. As I walk up the steps to his room I glance at the wall where the graduation caps are. "We only graduate once." The Cullen's probably graduate so many times that they lost count. I will never graduate once, I will have killed myself before that day even comes. I will never have a husband, children, become a grandmother or even a great grandmother. I don't even want to live until I get old, I would rather become a vampire than live til I'm 90.

I finally reach the room I wanted to be in. The image of Edward appears in my mind as I step into his room. I wish things would of ended differently between Edward and me. Being in his room brings peace to my mind, this is the exact place I will kill myself.

Alice's POV


Bella's in Edwards bedroom, just sitting on his couch. She pulls out a journal and flips through the pages. She stops and begins to write a new entry.

I found the spot, the spot where I want to end it all. As each day goes by, the harder it is to live without him. If only Edward would of truly loved me and never left me, I would be able to live. Everywhere I go all I can think about is Edward and his family. I feel so alone without him in my life. Within a few weeks time I will have killed myself in Edward's room, the best place in the world next to the meadow.


Bella had made the decision of taking her own life because Edward had left her. Edward must never find out what she is going to do to herself, but I have to find out how to stop her from committing suicide. I will be keeping an eye on Bella through my visions, but I will only do it when Edward isn't around. 

Bella's POV

I'm late for my first class of the day by five minutes, I spent more time at the Cullen's then I should of.. My friends at school haven't made an attempt to talk to me since the day the Cullen's left the town. Hours and hours seem to fly by while I just sit still. Today I will be going to the meadow for the very last time.

Finally the bell rings signaling that school is done for the day. As I exit the school I head straight into the woods to the meadow. The very first place I saw Edward's skin shine like diamonds in the sun. That day was the best day of my entire existence, it was just so magical how he looked when in the sun. I wish I could see him in the sunlight one more time before I died. Edward was the fastest of all the Cullen's, not even Jasper could beat him. Edward could never read my mind, which was something I loved. Now I actually wished he knew what was going on in my head right now. I wished he knew he truly does have a soul, but he just couldn't see it. He knew what was morally wrong and right, but his feelings and thinking got in the way.

Within an hours time I shall be in the meadow for the last time. As I looked around the dense forest area, I saw a quick flash to the side of me. Maybe my life would end sooner than I thought. I kept on walking towards the meadow, I'm not afraid of vampires, I envy them because they can live for an eternity. I yelled out loud, "Who in the hell do you think you are?! I'm not afraid of your kind! Just kill me already!" The vampire came behind me and put it's hand around my mouth, the vampire started to drag me towards the meadow. I didn't even make an attempt to struggle against it.

When I reached the meadow, the vampire let me go. I turned around to face the vampire, but it had left. Why did the vampire let me live? How in the hell did the vampire know I wanted to go to the meadow? Trouble will always be brewing in these woods because vampires prefer the wooded areas of Washington.

Three weeks from today is the day I want to die. The way I want to go is going to be a little messy and bloody, but its the way I want it to happen. I'll take Charlie's gun from his belt and head straight to the Cullen's house.

Frustration finally comes out of me as I yell, "Why in the hell didn't you kill me?! You would be saving me the trouble of killing myself in three weeks anyway!" Nothing made a sound in the woods, the vampire must of left. I head back to the school parking lot to my truck and head home.

Edward's POV

I had literally dragged Bella to the meadow, I knew that's where she wanted to be. When I saw Bella, she looked like she hadn't eaten since I left her four months ago in the woods. When I was about to leave her be, she yelled something that I thought I would never hear it come from her mouth. She yelled, "Why in the hell didn't you kill me?! You would be saving me the trouble of killing myself in three weeks anyway!" She wanted to kill herself all because I had left her. She probably believed me when I said I didn't love her, I do lover and I'm not going to let her kill herself because of me. 

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