Chapter Twenty-Two (One Angry Wolf)

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Bella's POV

A few weeks have gone by so nicely after I told Edward I wouldn't die giving birth to our child, which would be conceived on our wedding night. It was already in the middle of June, Edward and I spent our time inside Charlie's house today because it was one of those rare sunny days in Forks. All I wanted to do was spend most of my time with Edward, I know he wanted to do the same because after all I could read his mind. Sometimes he grow irritate when I answered his thoughts, but I just grinned at before I gave him a passionate kiss that would lighten his mood again.

When Edward and I were busy kissing each other very lustfully on the couch I heard a knock on the door, I hollered in irritation as pulled away from Edward, "Just a second." I gave Edward a quick kiss before heading to the front door with inhumane speed, I opened the door to see Jacob. I asked him, "What do you want, Jacob?" He told me, "I want to speak to you alone." I asked, "Why?" He answered my question with a question, "Do I really need a reason to speak to you alone?" I said, "Fine, just let tell Edward first."

I headed into the living room and said, "Jacob wants to speak to me alone, I'll protect myself from him if I have to." Edward replied, "Okay Bella, but if he tries anything with you I swear I will kill him." I sighed and said, "Calm down Edward, he won't hurt me." Edward argued, "You don't know what he's thinking, you can only read my mind." Edward was wrong about that because I could read everyone's minds in his family, Charlie's, and Jacob's as well, but I didn't tell Edward yet. I stated firmly, "I'll be fine, I will kick his behind with my shield if I have to." He said, "Okay, just please remain safe." I replied smile, "I will." 

After I gave Edward a quick kiss on the lips, I headed outside to talk alone with Jacob. I followed him into the woods, we walked until we were a mile away from the house. Jacob  asked, "Can you put a shield around us, so your vampire lover doesn't hear us?" I smirked at him and said, "Seriously, you're calling that." The nickname fitted Edward so well, he was my lover. I told him, "Fine, I'll put my shield up."

Once I had my shield up he said, "You have more than one option Bella, you know how I feel about you." I told him firmly, "I love Edward, I see my future with him." He stepped closer to me and asked, "How can be in love with a monster like tha?" I growled at him, "Don't you dare call him a monster! I won't stand for it Jacob!"  He said, "I'm sorry Bella, I just don't understand how you can love someone who isn't even alive." I just wanted to smite him for saying about Edward, but kept my cool and didn't give into that temptation. I grew extremely outraged when he said, "I bet he couldn't even have sex with you without hurting you." I yelled so loud I'm sure Edward heard me, "You're wrong! I already have done it with him."

Jacob looked at me in shock and then in disgust a few seconds later, he said, "I really didn't want to hear that." I said with a smirk, "Too bad."  Jacob took a few steps toward me and left a few inches between us, I growled at him, "Don't you dare." He looked at me in confusion, so I said, "I can read your mind, I know what you're thinking about doing to me." If he tried to kiss me I was going to punch him in the face, but shield my hand to make sure I wouldn't injure myself.

Sudddenly Jacob cupped my face in his hands and leaned in to kiss me, his lips were on mine in less than a second and I hated that. I instantly dropped my shield, so I would able to protect my hand when it made contact with his face. I pushed him away a few seconds later, I shielded my hand in less than a second. Jacob didn't have a clue what I was about to do to him, I withdrew my hand back and punched him with all my might in the face once. I heard a crunch of his nose as my hand collided with his face, he immediately clutch his hand over his nose.

He growled at me in anger and steam started comming off of his body, I quickly backed away because he was going to be in his wolf form. I knew the wolves from La Push had a bad temper, I never thought Jacob would get mad at me and I guess I was wrong. I kept backing up and stared at Jacob in shock, I yelled, "Stay in the house Edward, I can protect myself." I put shield around my body, so if Jacob swiped his paws at me he wouldn't leave a scratch on me.

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