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A/N -

rewritten version of the original book on my profile! I suggest you read this one, because the original one sure is something. This isn't exactly how things were in the last book, but I just hated the way I wrote it lol




"God, Y/N, I can't keep covering for you each time you wake up late." Jennifer sighed, staring at Y/N as she burst through the door, looking as if she died on the drive here. "You know you're going to get caught soon enough, and you'll be fired."

"Relax, Jen, everything will be fine. I'm Chris' favorite worker," Y/N replied, causing Jennifer to roll her eyes.

"And when did I ever say that, Y/N?" The deep voice of Chris came out of nowhere and made Y/N jump ever so slightly.

"UH. Sorry, I-I didn't expect you to be right behind me,"

"Right. Jennifer's right, you know. I'm not stupid. No one's ever really in the bathroom for over an hour. I'm sorry, Y/N, but if this happens again I'm afraid I'll have to fire you."

"What? Come on. At least I actually do the shit that I'm told to instead of just hanging around like all those teenagers!"

"Language! Do I have to fire you right now?"

"I'm just saying! If you fire me, then hardly any work gets done! You know this, Chris! So what if I'm late a couple times a week? I do my work."

"You know what, Y/N? Leave. You're fired. I've had enough of your shit."


"Go. Before I call the cops."

Y/N stared at Chris in disbelief, scoffing as she walked out. She flipped him off and got back into her car to go home, sit on the couch, and do nothing all day. Or she could go for a drive. That's exactly what she should do. She twisted the key and put the car into drive, not really caring where she goes now.

Not even 10 minutes into her drive she sees a large billboard displaying the words, "Fredbear's Family Diner! A place where memories last a lifetime!" and then with smaller words, "Now hiring." How convenient was that? She shrugged and decided to apply for fun.


Y/N pulled into the almost filled parking lot, trying to find a spot. Was it like this everyday? She eventually found one and went inside, only to be greeted with a group of children running in front of her. One fell and skidded across the carpeted floor.

Oh, ouch. Rug burn. She thought, seeing the child's knee. The kids didn't seem to notice him being gone. Y/N frowned and walked over to the kid, offering to help.

"Nuh-uh! Go away!" He yelled. His little British voice could barely be heard by anybody else due to all of the commotion from the children who were just running with this little British boy.

"You look hurt, is your mom or dad here?" Y/N asks, causing the kid to ignore her. "Okay, um, well, here, let me help you up," She extends her hand out, only for it to be slapped by the child.

"Nuh-uh! G-Go.. Go away..! I-I want my d-daddy.." The last part was mumbled, but she could tell the kid wasn't going to budge. He teared up and Y/N watched as the first few tears rolled down his face.

"I understand that your knee hurts-"

"Stop tr-ying! I-I.." He stopped and burst into tears, loudly crying as one child does. Y/N sighed and gave up, standing up to leave, only to be stopped.

"Mike? Mike, are you alright? What happened?"

Y/N turned and observed the man's features. Dirty blonde hair, thick black glasses, and a name tag she couldn't quite read from afar. He picked the child up and glared at Y/N, ready to go off on her, but realizing they're in public.

"You, who are you? Did you hurt my nephew? Mike, are you okay?" Well, he liked questions, huh? The kid- Mike- shook his head and pointed to his knee. "Hm? What happened?"

"Tripped." He muttered, probably embarrassed by people seeing him fall. The blond man sighed and looked at Y/N.

"Look, if you didn't hurt my nephew, I'm sorry about the accusation. I'm just.. Really protective about him, you know?" He stifled a laugh. "Ah, sorry, where are my manners? I'm Henry, Henry Emily. Co-owner of Fredbear's! Also known as the building we're in right now, if you didn't notice. Heh.." He then muttered something to himself that sounded like, "Henry, stop making a fool out of yourself. Obviously she knows where she is."

"Oh! I'm Y/N! Um.." She paused and just stopped talking, considering she didn't know what to say.

"Got a kid wit'cha?"

"No, just myself. I, uh, I saw you were hiring, correct?"

"Yeah! Yeah, we are actually!" He smiled and bounced Michael slightly as one would bounce a baby. He was definitely asleep. "Here, follow me." Y/N obeyed as he led her to his office.

"Here, Y/N, sit down. I just have to go put little Mike here somewhere where he will not be disturbed." Y/N laughed at his statement a bit and sat down, looking at all the drawings on the wall, each one saying, "My fun day!" Y/N was slightly crept out at this, but obviously didn't mind.

After a few minutes, Henry came back completely child-free. He sat down at his desk- which was in front of Y/N- and smiled at her innocently.

"Alright, let's start, shall we?"

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