Chapter 20:

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Jaidons Pov:

I can't believe it!! i'm going to be a dad!!! i muttered to my self. After dropping off Zoey I decided that I should probably go tell my man Matthew.

I pulled into his driveway and rung the voice pad. 

"Hey it's Jaidon, can you let me in" I asked 

"Really because I don't recall any Jaidons that I know" Matthew replied sarcasticly. 

"Come on man, remember I still have your baby pictures that are, well lets just say very graphic and i'm sure all the girls at school would love to have it set as their screen savour for their phones" I replied chuckling.

"You would'nt" Said Matthew.

"Oh, believe me, I will when the time comes" I replied laughing.

"You may come in" Said Matthew in a posh british accent.

"Ahhhh, thank you kind man" I said as i imitated him with his british accent.

The gates opened and I pulled into the front off his house. Matthew has parents who are in the top end of business, which means they are very wealthy. Matthew has a younger brother Asher who is 2 years younger and is the spitting image of Matthew. Matt's parents are never around so instead he has a cook and maids as well as a butler. Although Matt claims that he doen't need his butler to take him to school and things like that... he says something about not wanting to be that spoilt rich kid and all. 

I typed in the pin to the door. Yeah I no, fancy right?

I headed up the stairs and walked into Matthew's room. It was such a man cave. Clothes scattered accross the floor, overflowing laundry basket, untidy bed and that is just some description of what their is in here. When you head into his walk in wardrobe, their are numerous pictures of him and Ava, who he has grown to like and develop a crush for. 

"Sup man" Said Matt as we fist pumped.

"Sup" I replied.

"Well man, I gotta confess something to you and you may or may not like me for it" I stated.

"Wait, what did you do? You didn't really send that pic, did you?" Replied Matt with a serious face.

"Nah man, it's not quite like that, well infact the oposite.... I'm going to be a dad" I said with my eyes half shut, not sure if I wanted to see his reaction...

"Really.. I'm guessing the mother is Zoey" Matt asked.

"Yup, 1 week in" I told him.

"Well congrats man, I predicted this would happen, but not so soon" Said Matt with a chuckle. "I also predict that you will grow old together" He said before bursting out into laughter.

"Hahahah, very funny... well at least I have her and she is mine" I said raising my eyebrow.

"Woooah, too far man, to far" Matt said as he stopped laughing. "You know i'm trying but it is just so hard when we are really good friends" He said.

"Aww come on, loosen up .... i'm just teasing you" I said 

"Sure you are" He replied sarcasticly.

"So are you going to keep the child" Matt questioned.

"Of course we are, I don't think either of us were expecting to have a child this early and  while still in school, but on the bright side i will be a young dad at his or hers wedding" I replied with a chuckle at the end.

"So i'm going to be the god father then..." Matt asked, raising his eyebrow at me.

"Sure thing... what ever floats you boat" I said with a snort.

"You really know how to kill a good moment" Matthew stated.. rolling his eyes..

"Yeah I no, thats why im your man" I said leaning in and pulling him into a tight hug.

"Ewwwww we are not that close" Matt said pushing me off the bed.

"Hahahhaha you wish" I said getting up rolling my eyes.

"So a dad, huh?" 

"Yep, " I replied

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twin girls?

twin boys?

one of each?

oh hahaha and/ or triplts? - but that would be mean :P

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