Chapter 21:

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Zoey's Pov:

Ok so todays Monday, the weekend is over and it's just the start to another long school week.

I walked into the front of the school and It felt like everyones eyes were on me!

Did they find out im pregnant?

Do I have something on my face?

Is the dress I am wearing to short?

I felt Jaidons hand interlock into mine, letting me know of his presence.




We continued walking, heading into the nearest corridoor, just as the bell rung.

Jaidon escorted me off the Maths before heading off to his first class.

I walked in and yet again all eyes were on me. I took a seat quitely next to Ava. 

"Hey" she said.

"Hey" I replied back.

"Do you know why everyone is staring at me?" I asked her.

"Uhmmmmm... they somehow found out you are pregnant" she quietly whispered to me.

"WHAT" I screamed! Earning a few looks from some of the girls in our class.

"Shhhhhh" Ava said, trying to calm me down.

"How did they find out?" I questioned.

"Their have been rumors going round" Ava replied.

"But they don't know it is true right?" I pondered.

"I guess" said Ava.

Just as I was bout to ask something else our math teacher walked in and we opened our books to start on some caculas ?














Walking into the cafeteria for lunch was worse. I swear everyone stopped what they were doing when I walked in. I swear these girls are either obsessed or well actually their is no need to second that they are seriously obsessed!

I sat down on my usual table.. but this time I was joined with Ava, Matt and Jayden. We ate lunch in silence.

"Hey how are you coping?" Jayden whispered to me whilst tickling my ear.

"Well, you know it could be better" I replied earning a chuckle from Jayden.

"I have my ultra sound after school today, todays the day they let me know what the gender is" I said with excitment while squeezing Jaydens hand

"Do you want me to come" He asked, even though he already knew the answer.

I just looked at him and nodded.

"Ill drive you afterschool, meet me at the car" Jayden explained as the bell rung.

I gave him a quick peck on the lips before heading off to class.. double of science? oh joy!










I heard the bell ring and quicky exited the room. I walked over to the carpark where Jayden was already waiting. He opened the door for me and we drove off.





The ride in the car was silent  I guess we were both nervous. Jayden parked the car and we walked into the doctors, with my hand locked into his.. holding tightly.

The got me to lie on a bed and they put the jelly like stuff on my stomach before using the machine to pull up a image.

I looke at the baby through the screen. Its amazing and to think that is growing inside of me is unreal.

I looked over at Jayden and his eyes were shining. This made me smile! 

"Would you like to know the baby's gender?" The doctor asked.

I looked over at Jayden. He smiled and got up walking over to me. He pulled a chair over and reached for my hand. Squeezing it tight he finally spoke.

"We are all ears" He said with excitement in his voice. 

The doctor just smiled.

"It's a...........................................

GIRL" Said the doctor with a happiness tone in her voice.

I looked at Jayden and he grinned at me before planting his lips on mine. 








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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2013 ⏰

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