Chapter 14

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Ava's Pov:

After Dalton left I got up to grab some snacks. I felt an arm snake it's way round my waste and I turned around. "Hey," Matthew said. "Hello, again," I said fully turning around. I must say I always feel comfortable when Im around Matthew, mabye it's because i'm always my self round him. Ahhh stupid Ava, don't think that. You can't love your best friend" * Head Dong * "I saw you and Dalton over there tallking" Matthew said, breaking me from my thoughts. "Oh, it's was nothing really," I said, "He just asked me for dinner tomorrow night," I said as if I was not excited. "Oh" He replied as his smile dropped and it suddently became silent. 

I broke the silence by walking over to the punch and grabbing a drink. I so did not want to get drunk. I had 3-4 glasses of punch before returning to Matthew. He just looked at me with the empty cup. "Ummm, did you just drink the punch" He said with worried tone. "Yeah, I did, I had 3-4 glasses of it. I must say it had a weird taste though, it was vey strong." I replied. Matthew just looked down at his feet avoiding eye contact. "Uhmmm the football team, kinda spiked the punch and put in really strong vodka, so that it would get people trying not to drink alcoho drunkl," He said, still avoiding eye contact. "WHAT," I secreamed! "You mean to tell me that I just dunk 3 or 4 glasses full of vodka!" I said with fire in my eyes. "Lets take you home, " Matthew said "Before the alcohol starts to effect you". "Fine," I said. "But just so you know you are not being forgiven for this" I said harshly to Matthew as he pulled me towards the door.

---- PIC OF AVA ---------------->





"Nooooooooooooooooooooooo, Im not getting in the car" I screamed at Matthew. "Your DRUNK! Ava!!, Please just let me pout you in the car and you will be alright" Matthew said, trying to calm me down. "You already got into enough trouble before even made it out of the house" he said. "You can't make me" I said, stil not moving. "Fine, be that way" Matthew said. He lifted me off the ground and scoped me up and got me into the car and put on my seat belt. "Nooooooooooooo!!! I screamed", but  it was no use, he was to strong. Curse him being in the football team and having strong muscles! He quickly shut the door and jumped into the drivers seat and started the car. I tried to open the car door to get out, but it would'nt open. "Who, do you think you are" I yellled, "You are kidnapping me" I snapped at him, but I got no reply. 

Matthew's Pov:

I feel so guitly seeing her like this. Why didn't I warn her! Ughhh i'm soooooooooooo stupid!!!! I guess  I deserve this, all the abuse comming from her. Who knew a girl like her could have all that "anger" within. I chuckled to my self. I pulled into my driveway and got Ava out of the car. She fell silent when we arrived at my house. She must have calmed down. I took her up to my room at lay her down on my bed. I took off her shoes and pulled the covers over her. I checked my clock 2.30A.M. Still enough time to sleep. I to took off my shoes and I got changed into my pj's, well in my case boxers or what ever you would like to call them. I climbed in my bed and pulled my half of the covers, in a few minutes I fell asweep aswell.


I woke up hearing the sound of some one vomiting, which appeared to be Ava. I looked at my clock 4.20 Am. I got up to go check on her. She walked out of the bathroom and I met her half-way. I lead her back to my bed and lay her down again. I quickly went downstairs to gt a bucket and gave it to her. "Thanks" she muttered, taking it. I got back in the bed and went to sleep again. I was a really long morning. I had to keep getting up and helping Ava. But I guess I deserve it. It was now 9 o'clock. I got out of bed and quickly got changed. Ava was finally asleep. I kissed her on the forehead and whispered "i will be down stairs". She looked so peaceful, I did not want to wake her. I headed down stairs and looked in the cupboard. I found what I was looking for and headed back up to my room with it and a glass of water. I placed it down on the bedside table, beside Ava aswell as the tablet. It should help her head, when she wakes up. I then headed back down stairs to make some breakfast.






Ava's Pov: 

I woke up with a painful headache. I turned to get out of bed and saw a table with a cup of water and took it. Matthew must have left it for me. I seemed to take effect pretty quickly and got rid off most the pain, it was bearable. I went to the bathroom and saw my self in the reflection. I looked like a mess! I quickly decided I needed a shower so I took a towel and had one. When I got out I got dressed and headed downstairs. Matthew appered to be watching tv. I saw on the breakfast bar a plate full of food . I grabbed a knife and fork and sat down next to him. "How much did I drink last night" I asked him, "Because I cannot remember a thing" I said again, and Matthew opened his mouth to speak. 


Hey so im working on my chapters and im working on getting them longer





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