Chapter 12:

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Ava's Pov: 

Matthew dropped me off at my place with Zoey. We both headed up stairs, each carrying our dresses and got dressed. We had decided that we would do each other's hair and makeup. I slipped into my dress, as did Zoey and we began.

I started by straightening Zoey's hair, which I must admit really made her hair shine. Her bruenette hair fell perfectly straight, just curling round her face. It suited her and I hope she notices to. I applied a little foundation to her face and put on some light mascara. I  added some light blue eye shadow and put on some pinky lip gloss that smelt like grapes. I hope that it won't give "to much attention" if you know what I mean.

Next Zoey started doing my hair she started straightening it and then curling it at the end. She applied foundation followed by mascara. She put on some pink/red lipgloss, but this time it smelt like raspberry and gave me some red eyeshadow. 

With a request from Matthew, I wore some sparkly red shoes, which he insisted in buying because he said it reminded him of this Wizard Of Oz movie and Zoey wore some blue converse.

We were done.

Zoey and I just stood their, staring into the mirror as though it was an endless reflection. I was stunned and im guessing she was to. We looked different, but in a good way. We look hot to trot if I do say so my self.

Just then the door bell rung.

"I'll get it, " Zoey said and quickly went down the stairs to get it.

"Hi Matthew," Zoey said as he entered the house, closing the door behind him. But he was not alone. He had brought Jarrod. 

"Wow, Zoey you look nice" Jarrod commented 

"Thanks, you don't look to bad your self" Zoey replied cheekily.

"If you two don't mind, where's Ava" Asked Matthew?

"Oh, " Zoey said "She is up stairs, I will just call her.. AVA? Matthew is here. " I callled to her and in a minute she was down.

"Hi" I said to Matthew

"Hey" he replied.

"You look beautiful" he complimented.

"Thsnks, you look nice to." I said in return.

"Come on," Zoey said and shoed us all out the door 

-----------> PIC OF AVA'S DRESS ---------------->

Matthew drove us to the party, we arrived "fashionably late." Already, you could smell alcohol and see many drunk. "gosh," I stated, "this is going to be one heck of a night" I said and we entered the house, to what I believe will be an unforgetable night. 

Their is people everywhere, scattered throughout the house. I saw Zoey sneak upstairs with Jaidon whilist I wasn't looking. Hmmmmmm sneaky... at least she hasn't drunk anything.

"For you, missy.." Matt said as he handed me a drink. "Thanks" I muttered while taking a sip.

I could feel the alcohol burn down my throat. 

"Come on, you.. Matt said as he grabbed my hand and we went outside.

After many games of Frisbie and a lot of drinks later I headed inside, leaving Matthew to play.

"Hey cutie," said a voice.

"Excuse me," I spluttered chocking on my drink, this time of water.

"You heard me," the person said as they sat down next to me.

"We're partners in science, remember.. my names Dalton....." He said with a smile.

"Oh right" I said. 

"So, you and Matthew are pretty close, huh?" He asked.

"Yeah we are but why are you interested" I questioned.

"Well, I was thinking, of me and you" Dalton said as he made a leap for my hand and interlocked it into his. 

"Me and you.. " I asked still shocked.

"Yeah, just me and you, no one else" Said Dalton with his eyes sparkling.

"Hmmmmm, " I thought.

"Look just give me a chance, a chance is all im asking for. I'll take you on 1 date, then you can give me your answer" Dalton asked.

"Ahhh ok then, I said but one date, that's it" I said hoping im not sounding pushy.. or mean

"Ok then i'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow, wear something not to "dressy" Said Dalton getting up and giving me a light peck on the cheeks before walking off.

Looks like I have a date tomorrow, I wonder is he the one?

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