Chapter 7:

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Ava's Pov:

I knew that I need to talk to him but I am afraid. What if it is true and it was what it looked like!!

I took a big breath and headed off to class, it was going to be a long day.

I ended up having all my classes with Zoey just like she had told me when I first arrived. We still sat and talked but it was still a little awkward.

Finally after Maths it was lunch. I headed for the cafeteria and went to line up for some food. I was originally born in New Zealand and didn't move to America till I was 9 so I'm still getting used to these cafeterias.

I was served with lasagne and I grabbed a bottle of water as well.

Now was the decided. Here at school your year depends on where you sit and who you sit with. High school has many groups like the nerds, the cheerleaders, the wannabe's and off course the populars.

I headed into the middle of the cafeteria's seats and looked around. Their were a lot of groups just like I had thought.

And off course their was Matthew hanging with the populars.

"Ava" someone yelled.

I turned around to see a girl who was sitting at a table smiling and waving.

I walked over towards her and she introduced her self.

"Hi, I'm Lexi Magenta and this is my friend Rose Davis. We are in the same P.E class which we have after lunch so I thought you might want to sit with is" she said

Thanks, I said.

So that's how I found my self sitting with Rose and Lexi at lunch.

When the bell rang, I headed off to PE with Lexi and Rose.

For the first time ever I actually enjoyed PE. Lexi, Rose and I were on the same Volleyball team and we worked well together. I have always been good at PE but I always was put into the wrong teams. 

We were "arguing" about who was going to pack up the nets, when our PE teacher Mr Collins came over. 

"I have been watching you guys today and you 3 would work well in our schools volleyball team. Would you like to join?" He asked us.

I looked at Lexi, who was grinning and then I looked at Rose who was smiling aswell. Sure I said as I could tell we were all willing to participate. 

"Practise is after school on Tuesday's and Thursdays in gym 3" He said, before turning and walking off. 

Wow I said. I turned to Lexi who looked really excited.

"I have always wanted to be in the school's volleyball team, but I never thought I would be good enough" Said Lexi.

"Awwwww, you are, you just needed to hear the teacher say that, now you have the confidence" Said Rose.


Ava's Pov:

I woke up this morning feeling confident. Today I was really going to talk to Matthew and their was no way i was going to chicken out like I did yesterday.

I got dresses into my uniform, which I had finally gotten used to wearing and headed out to find Matthews dorm.

I found it and knocked. 

The door opened and I was greeted with Jaidon.

Um, I said is Matthew their?

"Yes, he is I will just get him for you, just come in" Jaidon said as he closed the door behind me and headed off to get Matthew.

Their room looked identical to ours except it had an extra room which I guessed must be their 3rd room mate, which I had never seen before. The floor was covered in clothes and other stuff which was scattered everywhere and their dirty dishes were stacked in piles by the kitchen sink.

"Hi Ava" I heard someone say.

I slowly turned around and found Matthew standing their. He was wearing his boxers and no shirt. He obviesly just got out off bed.

"We need to talk" I said.

He signalled a nod and we headed off to a room so we could talk in private 

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