Chapter 3

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The next morning, Eddie woke up to find Steve lying on his stomach with his right arm draped over Eddie's shoulder, still asleep. "Steve," he groaned, not able to get up. Steve just layed there unresponsive, sleeping too deeply to hear Eddie's whining.

Eddie reached over and shook Steve, finally getting him to gain consciousness. Steve lifted his head which was buried in the pillow, looking over at Eddie. He hastily removed his arm from Eddie's body, apologizing. "All good bro." Eddie stood up and stretched, peering down at Steve who was rubbing his eyes, his chest poking out of the covers.

Steve sat up, exposing entire torso to the cool morning air. "I have the morning shift again at the store, but this time I'm working with Keith," Steve got out of bed, ruffling his hair to make it look less like he just woke up. "Try not to miss me too much." Eddie grinned.

Steve scowled at him. "We'll need to hurry up if you want to be able to get your keys before I have to go work." Steve put on a white t-shirt and grabbed his work vest as Eddie got his denim vest. They both slipped on their shoes and made their way downstairs

The entire first floor was illuminated by sunlight flowing in through the windows. "What do you want for breakfast?" Steve asked, leaning against the kitchen counter and staring at Eddie.

"I don't really mind anything, as long as it's food."

"Okay, well I'm gonna make us some eggs and toast." Steve grabbed four eggs from the fridge and put a pan on his stove, cooking both of them, as well as putting two pieces of bread in the toaster.

Eddie sat down at the table near the kitchen and watched Steve as he made their breakfast. "Wow, I never could've guessed that you could cook," he teased.

Steve looked over at Eddie with a blank stare. "Like you could either."

Steve cleared the table, washing the dishes as Eddie walked over to the downstairs bathroom to freshen up. He messed with his hair for a few minutes, trying to make it look like less of a frizzy mess. After minimal success, he sighed and walked out of the bathroom to find Steve drying off his hands. "You ready?" Steve said, grabbing his keys from the counter and walking over to the door as Eddie nodded in response.

They both walked outside, making their way to Steve's car. The two boys got in and Steve started the car, speedily pulling out of the driveway and heading to the movie theater. They had their windows down, allowing the cool breeze to flow through the car. Eddie leaned his elbow on the car where his window would've been, unconsciously twirling his curls with his pinky finger and staring at the road past the windshield.

Steve glanced over and noticed Eddie was staring off into the distance. He reached over to the radio and turned it up. Boys Don't Cry began to play, prompting Eddie to glance over at him. A grin slowly appeared on his face as he began to tap his fingers on the dashboard. He started to hum along to the song, making Steve let out a chuckle as he continued to drive them to the movie theater.

A few minutes later Steve pulled into the parking lot of the movie theater and put his car in park. He yanked his keys out of the ignition, swiftly exiting the car to meet Eddie in front of the movie theater. They both made their way over to the ticket seller. "How can I help you today, sir?"

"I think I left my keys here last night, do you know who I could talk to about that?"

"Yes, we have a lost and found inside, just ask one of the workers behind the counter."

Steve thanked the worker as they walked inside, swiftly making their way over to the counter where they saw a girl who looked to be a few years older than them.

Eddie trailed behind Steve, allowing him to take the lead. "Scuse me, do you think you could help us out?" He leaned his forearms against the counter, looking up at the girl as he spoke. "My friend over here left his keys in the theater last night by accident. What color were they?" Steve looked over at Eddie.

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