Chaper 2

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"Good job today, Eddie." Steve said, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms.

"Yeah, you definitely made it more bearable." Eddie stated, looking out the glass windows to see evening sunlight flooding in through the window. He could tell that the light would fail soon as the sun began to set.

"Wow, it's already been 7 hours?" Eddie examined, standing up from where he was slouching on the wall and walking over to Steve.

"Yeah, time flies when you're having fun," Steve pondered, fixating his eyes on the wall just past Eddie. "Robin and Keith should be here any moment and I already closed the register, so we're good to go."

The bell above the door to the store jingled as Robin walked in, catching both Steve and Eddie's attention. She walked over to the counter and stood across from Eddie. "So, how was your first day?" She provoked with a giddy smile on her face.

"Steve isn't as bad as I thought." Eddie quickly glanced over at Steve and then re-fixed his gaze on Robin. "Yeah, Munson's a pretty fast learner." He replied with a smile.

"Wow, for two people who couldn't stand each other less than a year ago, you sure have made amends." Robin had a surprised look on her face. "I guess I underestimated the power of friendship." She teased, letting out a short laugh and walking behind the counter.

"Oh shut up, Robin." They both said in unison, walking out from behind the counter. Eddie grabbed his jean jacket vest from the coat rack as Steve held open the door for Eddie. Steve shivered as he walked out of the store behind Eddie.

"Do you want my jacket?" Eddie offered, fixing his eyes onto Steve.

"That'll barely help." Steve said, eyeing the jacket.

"Do you want it or not?" Eddie said as he held it out to Steve. Steve quickly grabbed it and shoved it over his work vest and walked over to the car.

He pulled out his keys from the front pocket of his blue jeans and unlocked the door. He got in and reached over the transmission to unlock Eddie's side as Eddie walked over to the right side of the car.

Eddie got into the car and shot a glance at Steve. "Wow, you really pull off the jean-jacket look." He looked over at Eddie as he reversed out of the driveway, putting his arm behind Eddie's headrest to look behind the car as he backed out.

"Oh yeah?" Steve chuckled. "What does that mean, exactly?"

"I don't know, it just looks right on you." Eddie supplied, running his fingers through his hair while looking in the side mirror. "Thanks I guess." Steve murmured, confused by Eddie's compliments.

Once again, they rode in silence as Steve focused on driving and Eddie closed his eyes, leaning his head against the seat.

After a few minutes, Eddie broke the delicate silence. "Do you have any plans tomorrow?"

"Nope, the store is closed so we'll both be off and it's not like I have any friends that aren't sophomores to hang out with. Well, except Robin, but she said that she's going to visit her grandma. Sounds like the day will be spent sitting in front of the TV."

"Well, we could always do something." Eddie suggested, slightly turning to the left to examine how Steve would react to that.

"Like what? We're barely even friends." Steve said, dismissing Eddie's idea.

"I don't know, I thought we could go see a movie or something." Eddie looked away from Steve.

"Yeah, but don't you think it would be a little awkward?" Steve kept his gaze fixed on the road.

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