Chapter 7

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Steve entered Eddie's apartment parking lot, sighing as he parked his car. He leaned his head against the headrest for a moment, looking up at Eddie's door. He knew that he had to make this right, reluctantly opening his car door. He climbed up the wet concrete stairs to Eddie's apartment. 

Steve hesitated before lightly tapping his knuckles on Eddie's dark green door, shoving both of his hands into his pockets as a strong breeze blew through the complex. He had left his work vest in the car, leaving just his blue sweater underneath. The door swung open, revealing Eddie in dark plaid pajama pants, shirtless.

"Uhh, hey, Eddie," Steve said, slightly shivering from the cold. 

"Oh hey, Steve Harrington," Eddie slowly slurred with a wide grin on his face. "How have you been?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

Steve stepped into his house, slipping his hands out of his pockets and shutting the door behind him. He examined Eddie, who had stumbled over to his bed and sprawled himself on one half of it.

"Eddie, why are you drunk on a Monday evening?"

He sat up, giving Steve an empty stare. "I don't know, I just am."

Steve glared at Eddie, walking over and sitting down on the bed next to him. 

"Look, can we talk about what happened?"

Eddie crawled over to Steve, lazily wrapping his arms around his shoulders. Steve tensed up, confused by Eddie's openness.

"Uhhh..what are you doing?"

"I reeeaaaaally like you, Steve," he whispered. "Promise you won't leave me."

Steve stared at Eddie, watching as his adam's apple bobbed up and down.

Was this how he really felt? Steve knew that he was open only because he was drunk, but he felt like he could talk to Eddie and be honest.

"Calm down, Eddie." He reached behind himself, removing Eddie's arms from his neck.

"Oh come on, don't be so lame," Eddie pressed, laying down next to Steve.

"Can we at least talk about what happened?"

"What happened was..." Eddie paused, his eyes halfway shut as he was clearly intoxicated. "What happened was you like me. You're gay for me, Steve Harrington," he drunkenly giggled.

Steve flattened himself on the bed next to Eddie, turning on his side to look him in his eyes. "Look, I'm sorry for denying what happened. I was convinced that I could never do that with another guy so it didn't make any sense to me. But I guess it's true. I like you."

Steve's heart pounded as he admitted his feelings for Eddie. It felt as if he was freed from something that had been weighing him down for so long. He moved closer to Eddie, positioning his body over Eddie's. He stabilized himself with his left hand, pushing against the mattress.

Steve interlaced his fingers with Eddie's, allowing the tension to release from his body as he stopped propping himself up with his hand and rested his body on top of Eddie's. Steve caressed his neck with his left hand, laying his head over Eddie's chest. He looked up at Eddie, whispering, "I like you a lot." Eddie's eyes were shut, but a smile crept across his face as Steve laid there with him.


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