Chapter 8

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Eddie's eyes shot open as he felt another body laying on top of him. He saw Steve's long legs sprawled over his, across the bed. Steve had his eyes closed with his head still resting on Eddie's chest and was softly breathing. Both of his hands were clasped with Eddie's, keeping them warm.

What was Steve doing here? Wasn't he still mad at him? He slowly began to remember the previous night as the alcohol faded away. He remembered Steve admitting his feelings for him. Eddie was dumbfounded. He had a crush on Steve Harrington, assuming that it would end up going nowhere because he was clearly straight.

Eddie was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't even notice Steve waking up.

His eyes snapped down to Steve as he felt him lift his head off his chest.


"Your chest is surprisingly comfortable, I slept amazingly," Steve whispered, smiling as he tightly wrapped his arms around Eddie's neck and leaned in for a kiss.

Eddie quickly jerked his head away. "Woah dude, are we good? Are you good?"

"Yeah, what do you mean? Everything's fine." Steve kept his arms around Eddie's neck but held his head above him.

"I don't know, you were just really mad whenever I called you. I just want to make sure that you're okay with everything that happened."

Steve sighed and let go of Eddie, sitting up against the wall of the bed. Eddie sat up too, meeting Steve's eyes.

"Look, what happened in the parking lot was my fault, and I knew that. But I didn't want to admit it. I was so embarrassed that I had feelings for a guy, because I could never imagine myself liking one," Steve grabbed Eddie's hand, squeezing it tight. "I'm sorry for what I said to you on the phone, I seriously regret it. I could never do that to someone I like so much."

Steve cradled Eddie's face with his right hand, dragging his pointer finger across his jaw. Eddie moved his lips to Steve's. He quickly let go of Steve's hand as Steve pushed him down onto the bed, climbing on top of Eddie once again and continuing to kiss him. Eddie gripped Steve's shoulders, closing his eyes as Steve's body pressed against his. Steve paused for a moment and tugged his sweater over his shoulders, revealing the hem of his underwear.

Eddie began to unbutton his jeans as Steve leaned back down to his lips, arching his back. Eddie felt Steve's hand fly to Eddie's arm, tightly holding it in place. Steve was tense, crawling off of him and avoiding eye contact.

Eddie half-way sat up, slouching on his elbows, looking Steve in the eyes. 

"What's wrong?"

Steve rubbed his arm. "I don't think I can. I just...I want to take things slower. I don't think I'm ready for...that yet. At least with another guy."

"Oh, shit man. You took off your sweater, so I just assumed we were good to go. I can take things slow with you though," Eddie rested his hand on Steve's face and caressed his jaw. "I just want you to be comfortable," he whispered, leaning in for a short kiss. Steve kissed him back, wrapping his arms around Eddie and softly rubbed his lower back. 

He still looked a little bit unnerved, but Eddie's words seemed to soothe him.

"Don't worry, I'll be ready at some point. I'm fine with both of us being shirtless, though," Steve said, with a half smile.

Eddie gripped Steve, laying down on Steve's exposed torso and resting his head at the base of his neck. He clutched Steve's right hand and brushed his thumb across Steve's hand. "I'm fine with just laying here," Eddie chuckled, feeling Steve's warm embrace.

He relaxed as Steve ran his fingers through his curls, sensing the tension in Steve's body dissipating.

"So, are we like, official now?" Steve asked, caressing Eddie's neck.

"I don't know, are you okay with that? I would've assumed that you needed more time to figure out if you really want to go steady with me."

"I think I've found the perfect guy for me." Steve grinned at Eddie.

"Oh yeah, as if I have any competition. Just promise me you won't leave me for another guy if someone who's gay moves here."

"I would never do that to you," Steve whispered, looking down at Eddie and meeting his eyes. "You're already perfect."

Eddie rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up, I'm not perfect."

"You shut up. You're all I could ask for in a guy. You have great hair, a nice face, really smooth skin, and, on top of all of that, you play guitar. I mean, what else could anyone want?" 

"C'mon, my hair doesn't even compare to yours. You weren't called Steve 'The Hair' Harrington for nothing, were you?"

"That was in high school, those names don't mean anything outside of there. Just let me like you for who you are, Eddie. I want to be with you, not anyone else," Steve sighed, continuing to hold Eddie.

"I just want to be with you, too," he whispered back, prodding Steve's chest with his face. He wanted to stay there with Steve forever.

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