Chapter 5

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Robin jolted awake to the feeling of soft hair getting in her eyes. She opened her eyes to see Nancy laying next to her, and she sat up. She tried to recall the events of last night, feeling the effects of her drinking as her head throbbed.

They had left Steve and Eddie to go to sleep, but Robin confessed to Nancy that she liked her since they were both super drunk and she had assumed that Nancy wouldn't be conscious enough to remember it. To her surprise, Nancy put her hand on Robin's neck and pulled her in, their lips lightly brushing against each other. "I like you too, Robin," Nancy had whispered, laying down, smiling. Robin had just laid down in shock, and they both promptly fell asleep.

Robin smiled, looking down at Nancy. She looked cute whenever she was asleep, like all of her problems melted away and she was in a peaceful bliss. Robin laid back down, accidentally disturbing Nancy, who slowly opened her eyes to see Robin staring at her. "Good morning, Rob," Nancy said softly, turning on her side. "Sorry for waking you, Nance," Robin apologized, laying on her side as well to face Nancy. "I don't mind," she smiled, leaning in. Nancy softly kissed Robin's forehead. Robin gave her a big smile while Nancy propped herself up on the bed. "Wanna go down and see if Steve and Eddie are awake?" Robin said, standing up. "Yeah, let's go."

Robin and Nancy quietly made their way downstairs, finding Steve and Eddie laying on top of each other, asleep. "Do you think Eddie got some last night?" Robin whispered. They giggled, tiptoeing back upstairs so that they didn't disturb them, shutting their door and collapsing back on the bed.


Eddie was disturbed by sunlight shining in his eyes, making him stir and open his eyes. Steve was laying on top of him, with his arms around his neck and his head resting right below Eddie's chin. Their legs were tangled together as Steve rested his body weight on Eddie. He attempted to move out from under Steve without disturbing him, but ended up waking him anyway. Steve lifted his head, letting out a soft groan as Eddie watched him blink his eyes. Steve's fingers brushed across Eddie's jaw as a look of panic came across Steve's face, leaping off of Eddie and rolling next to him.

Eddie looked over at Steve. "It's all good, dude. I was cold last night so we just stayed close together to conserve heat. I don't know how you ended up on top of me, though," Eddie softly chuckled. Steve's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but Eddie's casualness seemed to calm him down. "Sorry if I crushed you or anything," Steve avoided eye contact with Eddie, standing up and walking over to the kitchen. "I'm gonna go check on the girls upstairs," Eddie said, watching Steve as he nodded his head in approval.

Eddie dragged his feet across the cold tile floor as he walked upstairs to Robin's room, lightly tapping his knuckles against the door. "Are you guys awake?" he whispered. "Yeah, come in," Robin responded, prompting Eddie to slowly open the door. His first sight was Robin and Nancy spread out across the bed, laying together and staring up at Eddie.

"What did you want?" Robin smiled, while Eddie stuttered, "Uhhhh, do you think you could come out here and talk for a sec?"

"Sure," Robin stood up, running her fingers through her hair to untangle it a little bit.

Eddie stood with his back to the stairwell, facing Robin. "Wait, so, did anything happen last night with you two?" he whispered, careful to not let Nancy hear. "I think the real question is if anything happened with you two last night," Robin retaliated, a grin appearing on her face.

"What do you mean?! Nothing happened, for the love of god Steve's straight!" Eddie softly exclaimed. "Whatever y'all were doing-" Robin gestured downstairs, "-wasn't straight!"

"Okay, in my defense, last night I was cold so Steve just kept me warm. It was completely platonic," he reassured.

Robin raised her eyebrows, continuing on, "Well, my only advice to you is that Steve might be worth pursuing." Eddie rolled his eyes, changing the subject. "Wait, so did you and Nancy do anything last night?" Eddie had a curious look on his face. Robin slightly blushed, hesitating, "Nancy likes me."

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