Chapter 4

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Robin and Eddie walked out of the family video story and Robin turned around to lock the store up. Once she was finished, they hung against the wall, waiting for Steve to pick them up with Nancy. Eddie had called Steve earlier and informed him that Robin wanted to go to Chili's and that he needed to pick up Nancy.

Moments later, Steve drove into the parking lot, rolling down his window. "Get in." He pointed his thumb at the back seat, as Nancy was in the front with him.

Eddie walked over to the right side of the car and sat behind Nancy, while Robin slipped in on the left side of the car, waving at Steve.

They removed their work vests and set them on the middle seat in between them two.

Nancy glanced back at Robin, her curls falling into her eyes. "Happy Birthday, Robin!" She smiled. "Thanks, Nancy. Are you excited to go to Chili's?"

"Uhh, yeah I am!" She held up her own fake ID, and Steve slowly shook his head in disappointment. "Where did you guys even get those?" he exclaimed. "You shouldn't be drinking, you're literally 19!"

They both rolled their eyes in response, and Robin retorted with, "You're as uptight as my grandma." Eddie covered his mouth as he snickered at Robin's response. "Yeah, people drink underage all the time. We're just trying to have fun, we won't let anything bad happen," Nancy chimed in. "Fine," Steve huffed, holding up his right hand in defeat.

Robin got excited as she saw the red chili's sign from the window of the car. Steve turned into the small strip mall which contained it, parking the car. It was very dark outside, but the lights from the strip mall stifled the darkness. "What a fine establishment," Eddie said in a British accent as they exited the car. Robin and Nancy laughed in response as they walked inside to the host. "Hey, could we get a booth for four?" Steve said, holding up four fingers. "Yeah, sure." The host grabbed menus and led them to their booth.

Steve and Eddie slid into their spots, looking over as Nancy and Robin fought over who would go into the booth first. Nancy ended up going first, sitting across from Steve.

The waitress came over to their table, holding a pen and notepad. "So, what can I get for you guys to drink tonight?"

"Uhhh.. can I have a beer?" Robin asked, nervously.

"What kind would you like, ma'am?"

Robin had a lost look on her face, so Eddie leaned over and quietly whispered, "Ask for bud lite."

"Can I have a bud light?"

"Of course, and what about you ma'am?" She looked over at Nancy. "I'll get the same as her please."

"Make it three," Eddie chimed in.

"And for you sir?" She pointed her pen at Steve.

"Just water is fine."

"Alright, and can I see some ID from you three, you look a bit young."

Eddie held up his as Robin and Nancy fumbled for their fake ones, holding them up.

"Alright, all good. We'll have those right out to you." She walked off.

"Steve, why are you always the mom of the group. Does drinking make you too drowsy?" Robin teased.

"Well, you guys need someone to drive you home. I'm not gonna risk getting a DUI 'just to have a little fun'."

"Whatever you say, Stevie-pooh." Robin winked at him. "I told you not to call me that." She rolled her eyes, smiling.

"What do you guys want to do after this?" Nancy asked, resting her chin on her hand. Robin had a gasp of excitement. "We could go back to my place and hang out there, maybe watch a movie." Eddie placed his hands on the table, sitting up straight. "We should watch something scary, like The Shining," he suggested, excitedly. They all nodded in agreement, reaching a consensus.

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