chapter: 9

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Manav: meet-up.
: i would suggest you too meet your psychologist first.

Manav: i'm going then.

|manav at psychology centre|

:manav, your report's have improved. Is this because of that girl
Manav: i guess so! I saw smiling all time
: you have a crush on her?
Manav: no.
:oh!😦you want to meet her?
Manav: uhmm yes...!

:spend more time with that girl..!
Manav: i will call her afterwards. Okay bye-bye!

Unnati's side.

I finished my paper, went outside to search ashi to get my phone back, and she comes

Ashi: you did a great job! No phone for a week.

I smiled and switched on my phone. And no message no call, why i don't have anyone.

Later..i checked the trending tweets, and updates! It shocked me that there was no controversy about him!

[Phone rings]

:hello unnati?
Unnati: kon?
: manav this side! How was you paper! What's going?

Unnati: the exam was good, but you asking this made me so happy thankyou!😭

Manav: haha then i will make you more happy! Let's meet !


Manav: you there?
Unns: yess.Yess😭

Manav: okay so i am hanging up the phone, meet you at the send loaction

My hands were shivering this month is literally a blessing to me. I love you god & manav!

I recived one message, i was confused first to save this number into my contact or not. I think i should i saved it as "MANAV🌍💗" i don't want to make it cringeworthy.

I reached home hiding my excitement because i have to hide from ashi.

I get up ready, and leaved leaving a letter on the table so ashi can chill without any further tension.

My heart was bouncing, i was drinking so much of water to control my nervousness. [ In cab]

I reached there, manav was there without mask! I wonder why he is not wearing that? Such big crowds is there!! Open beach restaurant .

He came near me.
"You needn't bother about me" he said.

I don't he read my mind or what?but how did he get to know what i was thinking !!

"I've come only to see you and wish you luck" he said.

Unnati: you are a angel indeed.

Manav: hahah how are you?
Unnati: all good. You?

Manav: sit down..please do.
Unnati: you didn't telled me how are you?

Manav:oh sorry for that! I'm good too.

You know i can't belive i'm meeting you for the 3rd time. You won't get me to belive that it WAS MY DREAM AT A TIME. IT HAS BECOME TRUE NOW! you know i telled my friend and said i meet you but no one is read to belive me. Now i don't even want to explain.

Girl! Don't lose hope😂


Manav : sure!

We clicked a selfie! With the og pose✌and showing our rabbit teeth!

Manav *looks at bracelet*
"You liked it"
Unnati: i love, love, love itttttttttt!!!

Mnv pov:I smiled, no this time it was blush!
Unnati: you don't like shooting?
Mnv: no i like it, it's everything to me.

Unnati: then why you look not interested in it ?
Mnv: hear me out. I trust you okay! So the truth is I am depressed right these days.

Unnati: i am studing psychology.

Unnati: i can help you with treatment!
Manav: no its okay!

Mnv pov: But i want her! Then i should say yes!
Manav: you have help me so much it's okay but if you are free as you exams are incomplete then pls do visit.


manav: you want to know about me? *raise his right eyebrow*

Unnati: ah-let's order something!

:manav?omg i am a big fan of you can i take a picture(Random girl)

It took me days to get a picture with him and look!👀

:hey miss pls click a picture of me and manav! Fast!!

Huh?she is saying me to click! Don't she know that i was invited my manav here! But i can't say anything lol.

She stand so close to manav, pulling manav to hug her! Uhmmm misbehaving?

I no sooner gets by manav expression he was uncomfortable.

unnati: excuse my interruption, but can you be aside from manav he has not taken bath today you will get smelly, i said the terrible a lie.

Manav: whattt?
Unnati *winks😉*

Manav:oh ya, sorry .

Sooner she left with second hand embarrassment.

Manav: i don't know what to do thank or be angry.

Unnati: the first option is good.😉


It's all FICTIONAL *

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