chapter: 18

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Ashi: thanks! You're next meal is on me.
: no no it's fine. Your name?
Ashi:oh ashi! You?
Ashi: oh! Meet you soon, i am going back.
Tanzeel: same let's go together?
Ashi: you're hotel?
Tanzeel: xyz! Wait what's with taht reaction don't tell me,it's same.

Ashi: it is. Which floor? Mine is second.
Tk: what a coincidence! Same.
Ashi: crazy!!

And after this i went on queen boat next day! And there was so many couples, i was alone and the next moment he came! I was sitting alone, but he came to talk with me.Everyone mistook as young couple and we all played couples game! He was adorable that moment. Later..what he did  was so unexpected.

*message from manav*
"Let's have dinner together"? What's says!

Unnati: ah ash- ashi, let's continue this tomorrow?

Ashi: manav?
Unnati: han.

Ashi: okay, but please don't forget me after getting a boyfriend, oh sorry your dream guy.

Unnati: stop teasing me.

Ashi:look at your face? Blushing all han.

I booked cab, and went there. I was so exited to have a dinner with manav, i runned inside and hugged manav instantly. But i didn't knew my happy face will turn into sad one. Joy and sorrow really goes hand-in-hand. Proved by today.

Unnati: manav!!??😭
Manav gave a look saying sorry with cute face.
I adjusted myself, and finnaly looked at my parents who were already stairing me with anger, i was not able to match my eyes with my parents.

Unnati: mom, dad you here.

Yes it was my mom& dad. I just told my parents that i'm manav's worker. And now when i hugged manav that says something different and they have a clue about it now. Manav even didn't have a hint too that they have here.😭

Oh my life.

U/m: you're enjoying your job to much! Am i right.

Manav: auntie it's not like that.
U/m: no! No manav beta i'm not scolding her. She's use to it! Right unnati(death stare)

Unnati: it's okay manav.
Manav: they are so many room in my house, i will ask my servants to put your bags there.

U/d: no need.

Dad, finnaly said something! From when he have came he has said nothing, and his face shows he is tired already because of train journey. I don't know what next he will ask. His face look like he will scold me alot. Dad pls not today, pls don't infront of manav.

U/d: i will ask one thing.

Manav: okay i will answer.

U/d: to unnati.

Unnati:okay! I will then.

U/d  what's between manav and you?

Unnati: well!
I looked at manav to ask for permission, he relax his eyes as yes. Breath unnati breath. One day you have to face this. And the today is today.
Unnati: i am dating manav.
U/m: do you know who he is?a star! And you?

Unnati: but he likes me?
U/d: not possible.
Manav: i do love her.

Maybe i listened something wrong. What's happening?

Unnati parents was so shocked listening this.

Manav: i'm your future in law.

Manav do you think before saying! They have just came They will got a heartattack if you say like this. Manav calmly handled this situation. But did he said in laws?😭god damn! Here comes my true happiness.

U/d: you?not pranking us right.
Manav: why i will do this papa.
U/d: papa!😳
Manav: you should relax dad.It's so late...let me arrange the room for you.
U/m: what about unnati?
Manav: she will sleep.
U/d: where she will sleep?
Manav: of course in her room.

Her parents smiled and went away.

U/d pov: i can't stop her. She has always been his FANGIRL, the craziest one. Manav in real is a humble guy, I can trust him maybe. He is a star his reputation is important for him, He will not disappoint.

Later morning.

Unnati wakeup early and when she knocked the door no one responded, the door opened. and no on was there!! Unnati SEARCHED for them but she found nothing but A note on the table. The note says

Unnati, i trust you& you'r decision. Don't let your commen sence go. You are grown up that it's time for you to date,enjoy, I&your mom talked about it! Asked ashi also. and agreed to your decision. Manav is a good guy,i don't know him personally,and can't say more too. We are going back and giving you space, we want to be understanding parents! If it was not manav maybe we couldn't have agreed. Call us if you need minor help too. Bye!

Your dad&mom.

Did they just didn't overreacted and aceepted, aren't they typical parents any more?😭they are best.

Manav comes and give her a warm hug! "They were sweet as you" he said.

Unnati: honestly?
Manav: they talked with me at 3am. And asked some question!?
Unnati: what were those questions?(blank face)

Manav: uhmm! They asked "what you're plan for future", "what is your opinion on my career", "are you gonna leave her?if you find someone beautiful in your field".

Unnati:😂my dear parents. But did you said "you're gonna be there in laws" yesterday?

Manav: i do said.

Manav was back hugging me. I turned around and faced him. His hands were on my waist, he was looking down to look at my face, but i already looking down to hide my blush.

Manav: i have a concert soon.
Unnati: i'm so excited.

Manav: wish me best of luck?
Unnati: sure sir.

I raised my legs, to match his height,He closed his eyes and then i kissed him on his forehead.

Manav: the bestest wish i got. You're coming there na?

Unnati: passes?
Manav: i got two for you.
Unnati: let me guess one for me and other for ashi.

He nodded. And then i remember i have to go to listen ashi left over story. Shit!! Run unnati...

Unnati: i'm going to meet ashi, you practise your rap and dance.

Manav: again?
Unnati: will someone miss me.?
Manav: nope!😳

Heheh. Boy wait for me i will be back soon.! I went to my room dressed up, and directly went to our house.

Unnati: i'm back. Let's continue.
Ashi: ahan, manav isn't calling you this time.?
Unnati: no! Also thankyou for again convincing my parents.

Ashi:i remember your "ishaq hai toh rish hai" and here this rish comes. Call me mam.😂

Unnati: mam, thankyou! Now telk what unexpected tanzeel did?

Ashi: he jumped out of the boat.

It's all FICTIONAL *

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