Love : Chapter 10

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A/N: I am not going to write the rumble scene or the trial scene bc I just don't want to.

(Y/N's POV)

Its been about a month since I killed Bob and the church fire happened.

There was a rumble, but Dally wouldn't let me go because he didn't want me to get hurt. Which I thought was stupid since I've killed someone before.

I also had to go to a court trial. I wasn't charged for murder or anything! It kinda annoyed me though because I know what I did. I killed a boy and didn't get any consequences.

Other than that life has been pretty boring.

Ponyboy and I haven't hung out too much.

Darry always makes him come straight home after school to do his homework.

Dallas makes me come straight home to do my homework also.

Dally barely let's me go anywhere.

There are only three places I'm aloud to go.

Bucks, School, and the Curtis's.

Well until today that is.

Dally told me that I was quote on quote "grounded" for a month since I killed someone and because I went into a burning church. So I guess you could say I did get some kind of punishment for killing a man.

Today is the day that I'm "ungrounded".

I was sleeping peacefully until I felt someone poke my forehead repeatedly.

I opened my eyes to see Ponyboy standing straight above me staring into my soul.

"Shit. Pony. What are you doing!?!?" I yelled.

"Sorry." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Its Two-Bits birthday today remember?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I remember. How could I forget? He never shuts up about it. But that still doesn't explain why you woke me up." I replied.

"Yeah sorry about that. I'm here because Darry gave me and you the job of keeping Two-Bit away from the house... Well technically he gave me that job, but I'm making you come with me because I've barely seen you this past month." He told me.

"Aw that's sweet. Thanks Ponyboy. I was planning on hanging out with Two-Bit today anyways."

"So when do you wanna go get him?"

"In a little bit. I'm gonna take a shower first."

{Time Skip}

After I had taken a shower we started walking to Two-Bit's house.

I didn't really worry about getting jumped lately because all of the Socs we're scared to mess with me now.

Well all of them except for Randy.

Randy started talking to me during school.

He even invited me to sit with him at lunch one day.

I wouldn't say that we're friends but we don't hate each other. Which is kind of weird considering I killed his best friend.

We got to Two's house and knocked on the door.

His mom answered the door and told us to come in. Not to brag but Two-bit's mom loves me.

She told us to make ourselves at home and she'd get Two-Bit.


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