Chapter 9

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Jiu's POV

"How are you, Minji-ah?" He asked.

"I'm fine, what about you?" I gave him a small smile.

"Good good" he replied before continuing, "Have you thought about it?" I sighed. I know what he means. I sighed.

"I.. don't know" I replied quietly.

"I'll wait, Minji-ah" He looked at me before putting his hands on top of mine.

I looked away before slowly pulling my hands away from his. This is what I fear the most.. I don't really know what to do anymore. Taehyung is as good as Yoohyeon and I've known him far the longer than her. While Yoohyeon.. I barely know but I know I've been catching feelings for her already.. I sighed again before standing up and going back to the restaurant, I feel him following me behind.

End of Jiu's POV

Yoohyeon's POV

I felt really sad not being able to have lunch with Jiu. I walked inside my Dad's office and hoped that he's in a good mood before asking.

"Hey Dad.. is there any chance I could take an early break today? I'll come back and stay until I finish the papers later" I asked him politely.

He gave me a look before turning his chair around again, "Go ahead" I almost jumped from his reply, "thanks" I said before leaving his office.

I smiled while walking towards my car and starting the engine. I'll just surprise her, I don't think I'm late yet. The restaurant she works at isn't that far from our company anyway.

Five minute later, I've arrived. I looked inside just in case she's eating in the lobby alone but found no one.

"Hey, excuse me miss.. Is Minji in?" It feels so wrong for me to say her real name but that's the name she go by here so..

"Oh she left a while ago" I nodded before going inside my car. I guess I'm late then.. I'm just gonna text her.

Before I could type my message, I recognize Minji outside with some guy following her. I was about to approach her when I realized that the guy she's with is one of our shareholder's son who also works in the company.

Are they together? Do they know each other? How? I frowned. I sighed before turning the engine back on and backing up. That's also probably one of the reasons why she can't accept my feelings..

But who am I to complain, I barely know her. While she probably know that guy longer than me.

End of Yoohyeon's POV

No one's POV

Sadness is visible on Yoohyeon's face. Gahyeon, her assistant noticed her boss's aura. Yoohyeon is usually very timid and laidback but today she noticed the difference.

"Gahyeon-ah, can you tell Taehyung to meet me at the rooftop later at 7PM please?" Yoohyeon asked slightly annoyed. Gahyeon nodded obediently.

"You seemed annoyed today, unnie?" Gahyeon asked, "is there something wrong?" Yoohyeon stared at Gahyeon emotionless before replying rudely, "It's nothing. Just do as I said please" Gahyeon was taken a back by Yoohyeon's tone of voice.

"I apologize, I.. today is not a good day" Yoohyeon puts her hands on her face before looking at Gahyeon again.

"Do you mind.. having a drink with me later?" Gahyeon once again surprised but she accepted the offer.

Gahyeon excused herself before calling Taehyung. Yoohyeon got ready to meet Taehyung and have a talk with him.

Back to Yoohyeon's POV

"You called for me, Yoohyeon-nim?" I heard Taehyung said behind me. I looked behind to face him.

"How did you know Jiu-ssi?" I asked.

"Oh, Minji? I've known her since college days.. waeyo?" He asked. Of course, they're on real-name basis..

"If we meet each other outside work, please don't say we know each other, and about my background" he looked at me with a confused expression. I bowed before leaving the rooftop.

I grabbed my blazer and my keys before going to Jazz Bar, I called Gahyeon to tell her that I'm already at the bar.

"Unniee.." Gahyeon called from my side, I nod my head at her.

"Gahyeon-ah, what do I do if someone I like doesn't like me back? What would you do?" I asked her before gulping down the whiskey in front of me.

"Hm.. depends. Of course, you can't force someone to like you back, you just kind of let it happen you know.. but I certainly won't give up, though I'll be lowkey about it" She said while taking a sip on her cocktail.

"Hm.. what if you see the person that you like is with someone and they look happy" I asked again but this time I realized that I'm slurring my words. I can feel my sight getting blurry.

"Unnie.. I don't know what happened but I think you're getting drunk.." She said while grabbing the glass of whiskey away from me, I grabbed it back before gulping it down.

"I need this.. Gahyeon-ah. Let me please" I pleaded, while reaching for the bottle of whiskey.

"I think we need to go.. I'm also getting tipsy and you're hella drunk unnie.. give me your keys I'll drive you back" I sighed before putting my head on the table and handing her my car keys.

"Let's go.. unniee" Gahyeon grabbed me and dragging me all the way to wear my car is parked before putting me in the backseat.

After a few minutes, we've arrived. She dropped me on my bed before taking off my shoes, "Gahyeon-ah.. gomawo" I whispered with my eyes closed.

"You're welcome, unnie.. I'll go now" I don't know why but I grabbed her hand before sitting up straight and hugging her.

She frozed for a few seconds, I pulled away before looking at her directly. I've known her since I was 15 and now I'm 24. She looks the same but with a hint of maturity. I can feel the gap between our faces are starting to disappear and soon enough, our lips touched.

It went quick as I realized what I did, I was about to apologize but this alcohol is taking over me and the next thing I know is me passing out on my bed.

End of Yoohyeon's POV

Back to Jiu's POV

I'm actually surprised that Yoohyeon hasn't texted me the whole day. She's usually very clingy and would text me every few hours but ever since that last text she sent me, she hasn't texted after that.

I'll probably sound hypocrite, but I do miss it. I miss her clinginess, I feel secured and loved whenever she's around and honestly I've notice that I'm slightly better when I'm with her.

She's probably busy with something.. Walking alone feels scary to me now, I sighed.

I opened the door to our apartment and saw Siyeon watching a movie in the living room. Sometimes, I envy her, she's from a well-off family but she doesn't showcase it as much. She doesn't have money problems as much and she doesn't have to please anyone to earn a living. I smiled sympathetically at her.

"What's up?" She frowned before facing me.

"Is it your family again?" She asked, I shook my head.

"I'm just really tired today.. I'll go to my room and rest early tonight" I gave her a smile before going to my room.

End of Jiu's POV


- I'm sure y'all didn't expect 2Hyeon :P

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