Chapter 19

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Yoohyeon's POV

I sighed for the fifth time today. I looked at my phone and found a few messages from Gahyeon.

Unnie.. one last time, please meet me. - Gahyeonie

What for, Gahyeon-ah? I told you, I'm with someone. Please if you care for me, you'd understand - Y

I know. This time will be the last, please.. - Gahyeonie

I sighed before replying.

Fine.. rooftop, afterwork. - Y

I put away my phone before starting the papers in front of me. I hope this meeting with Gahyeon will be the last. I sighed once again.

Will you be home early tonight? - Minji <3

Hm? I will try baby :c I miss you, are you at school already? - Y

Yes. Ok.. then I'll see you later. - Minji <3

I frowned. I really should get my schedule fix, I barely give time for my girlfriend and it's making me feel stupid for asking her to move in with me then abandoning her most of the times because of this stupid schedule I have.

Our relationship starts and ends at night. I will come home so late that all I can do was to kiss her because I know she stayed up waiting for me and I didn't want to wake her up anymore.

Then I'd wake up early in the morning finding a cup of coffee with toast on the table, I guess she'd be awake in the middle of the night, or just before I go, to make them for me. She was probably thinking the same thing, not waking me up because she knows I came home late at night. I sighed.

My shift ended at exactly 6:30PM. I hurriedly went up to the rooftop to get this meeting with Gahyeon done. All I want to do is to go home, spend time with Minji. Nothing else.

"Unnie.. you came" I nodded.

"Gahyeon-ah.. please.. tell me everything that you wanted to tell me now" I sighed. She looked at me sadly.

"I will still love you, unnie.. that.. will never change. I respect your relationship, I do" I frowned.

"You need to stop seeing me that way, Gahyeon-ah. It's not good for you and it'll only get hard for the both of us.." She lowered her head.

"Fine.. but I have one last request.. kiss me. Kiss me for the last time" I looked at her in disbelief.

"I could never do that, Gahyeon-ah" I refused.

"You did. I promised not to bother you or not to see you as like that ever again, if you give me this last kiss, unnie.." She begged. I shook my head.

"Gahyeon-ah.. that was the alcohol doing. At that time, I was sooo broken because I thought I already lost the person I'm in love with. This person that I'm with.. she's all I can think of. I'm afraid because of how BIG her world has gotten inside of me but I don't want to lose her.. she's all I have" I said trying to knock some sense in her. Hoping that she'll end this.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes. I sighed.

Fuck.. Today was my third monthsarry with Minji. Fuck me.. I looked at Gahyeon before saying,

"I need to go, Gahyeon-ah" I turned around before I felt her hand grabbing my wrist.

"Unnie.. please.." I faced her, more than annoyed now but my face soften as soon as I saw her struggling to cry.

"Gahyeon-ah.. fine. This is the last time, ok?!" I sighed before lifting her chin up and giving her a quick kiss.

I pulled away before looking at her one last time and leaving her alone at the rooftop.

This.. is wrong. I have a girlfriend and I shouldn't be kissing anyone. I sighed. I will tell Minji about this. I've already hid so many things from her but this one I need to tell her as soon as possible. I sighed.

I dialed my sister's number.

"Oh?" She answered.

"Unnie.. what's a perfect monthsarry gift?" I asked.

"Sex" I choked on my spit before whining.

"Serious please.. I forgot it's our 4th monthsarry.. I kind of.. didn't prepare anything.." I heard her gasped.

"Yah! You've been working a lot aren't you?? Hm.. it's not late yet, go get her something simple that she can see everyday. I think that'll be fine.." She said before continuing, "Siyeon, can probably help you as well, try contacting her" I nodded over the phone before thanking her and hanging up.

End of Yoohyeon's POV


- 2hyeon T.T

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