Chapter 30

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Few weeks later..

Yoohyeon's POV

"Going home early tonight?" My sister asked. I looked back at her before nodding.

"Good. She keeps texting me to release you early" She said before chuckling. I smiled.

"A bit clingy, isn't she?" I laughed.

"Nah, she told me we have a visitor tonight.. she didn't tell who though" I replied before grabbing my things on my desk.

"I still can't believe Dad let you guys off just like that.. I mean, he never bothered me when I left so.. I'm guessing he'll leave you guys alone too" I nodded before looking at my watch.

"I hope so. I honestly don't care, I've talked to her about it and she said she'll never leave me when it comes to it" She gave me a warm smile before nodding.

"Sweet. They really are bestfriends then" I nodded.

"Alright, gotta go. Thanks for the take-out, don't work too hard without me, ok?" I said before getting out of the restaurant and driving back to the condo.

I rang the doorbell to my condo while waiting for my girlfriend to open the door for me. A few seconds later, I looked at the kid who opened the door for me.

"Nuguseyo?" This kid is definitely no more than 6 years old. I blinked a couple of time before answering the kid.

"Yoohyeon. Is my girl—" I saw my girlfriend peeked behind the kid while giving me her sweetest smile.

"Rei-ah.. this is Yoohyeon-noona. Minji's girlfriend, ok? Shall we let her in?" I looked at my girlfriend before looking at the little boy.

"Neh.." She told the little boy to go back and watch on the TV before approaching me and wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing my cheek.

"Tired?" She asked. I wrapped my arms around her waist tightening my hold on her. I nodded before pecking her lips.

"So.. I'm guessing he's our guest?" She smiled before nodding.

"Sorry, he's my baby cousin and his parents are away for a week.. can he.. stay with us?" She gave me an apologetic smile. I smiled before putting my hands on her cheeks.

"He can stay whenever, babe. What's his name?" I asked again after giving her a kiss on her nose.

"Rei, he's 6 and uh.. he's a little bit of a tough shell but once he's comfortable around you he's really a nice kid" I smiled before grabbing her hand and guiding her to the dining area and putting my to-go's on the table.

"Cute. I'll go talk to him later, Bora-unnie packed these for you" I said after putting the foods on the table.

"Aw, I'll text her later.. how was work, love?" She asked before grabbing a chopsticks and started eating.

"It's fine, Did he eat already?" I said before pointing at the kid who's busy watching TV.

"He did, hey.. uhm.. I'll start my first day at DC Hospital next week.. I just want to let you know" I widened my eyes before standing up and hugging her.

"You made it?! Congratulations Minjwi!!" I said excitedly while hugging her tightly before stopping and pulling away because the kid is infront of looking so sleepy.

"Hi! Is there something wrong?" I said as kneeled down facing him.

"Noona.. I'm sleepy.." I said after yawning and grabbing my girlfriend's hand. I melted at the sight.

She looked at me before smiling.

"Yoohyeon-noona here will guide you to your room, how about that?" I looked at her confused, she shrugged before looking at the foods on the table. Of course she's not finished eating yet..

I smiled at the little boy before nodding and handing out my hand to him. He looked at me respectfully before nodding and holding my hand.

I guided him to the guest's room before lifting him up to the bed.

"Rei.. will you be fine here alone? There's a tablet on the side, you can watch there before going to sleep. If you need anything let us know, ok?" He scratched his left eye before nodding at me. I smiled while caressing his cheek.

"Alright, goodnight Rei.." I said before going out of the room.

I went to the living room and saw my girlfriend watching her drama. I sat next to her before laying my head on her lap. I looked up to see her smiling at me.

"I love you" She said while massaging my head.

"I love you more, can we go to bed?" I asked after yawning. She chuckled before leaning down to kiss my forehead.

"Yes, love" I sat up before standing up. She did the same, I wrapped my arms around her waist back hugging her while we walk slowly to our room.

As soon a wr lay comfortably on the bed, I wrapped my arms and legs around her. She looked at me before giggling.

"Wae?" I asked with my eyes closed.

"You're so clingy lately" She replied before facing me.

"You don't like it?" I whined.

"No, I love it but I can't breathe babe" She said before kissing my jaw. I opened my eyes and looked at her. I let go of her while smiling.

"Sorry. I just.. I feel like you're the one who's going to be busy after you start working for Dami" I faked a cry. She playfully slap my arm.

"We'll make time, I'll make time" She said before leaning in and kissing me.

I held her waist while reciprocating the kiss. As soon as she got on top of me, I sat up straight deepening the kiss. My lips moved to her neck before going back to her lips.

We were going to take it to the next level but we heard a knock. I stopped before looking at my girlfriend.

"Rei?" She called after getting off me and walking towards the door.

When she opened the door, the little boy showed up crying. I frowned before approaching them.

"Waeyo? Are you scared?" I asked the little boy. He nodded before hugging my girlfriend.

I looked at Minji, she gave me a small smile.

"Okay.. how about you sleep with us?" I asked the little boy, he nodded before letting go of Minji.

I smiled before carrying the little boy and putting him in the middle on our bed, all while my girlfriend watches over us.

"So cute, you ever want a kid?" She asked out of the blue which made me cough.

"Uh.. yea sure" I said, she laughed before kissing my cheek and getting on the bed. I smiled before climbing on the bed as well.

Rei fell asleep after a couple of minutes, I looked over to check if my girlfriend is still awake but it looks like she fell asleep too. I sighed before smiling.

I only want one if it's with you.. I smiled again before closing my eyes and drifting off.

End of Yoohyeon's POV

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