7 Scenarios Where Harry Gives Your Large Boobs Some Attention (SMUT/FLUFF)

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Anon via Tumblr > (since you wrote a blurb for the itty bitty titty committee can you write one about having big boobs😩 as a girl w a larger chest i need harry to hold them up for me when i'm not wearing a bra while also making cheeky comments)

AN: i could have wrote a blurb for this but had so many ideas that i decided to turn it into one of my numbered fic lists. i could have added more numbers but got lazy, sorry. hope that's okay and you enjoy. please give this some feedback!!!!!

This contains: smut (sex, foreplay type stuff), fluff (innocent, domestic things)

{ boyfriend!harry - softrry - any harry era of your choice }

word count: 977

Seven times Harry interacts with your larger than normal boobs that he adores so much.


Harry is a boob loving man. He could stare at a pair all day if he was allowed too, respectfully of course. He likes them in all shapes and sizes. The tiny tits, the medium size tits, the large tits, and the extra large tits. Fortunately for him currently though, Harry has a girlfriend with quite big breasts and it gives him a lot to look at and play with.

Here are a few examples of when Harry interacts with your large boobs >>>

( 1. While you're riding his cock in the center of the bed, Harry reaches out in front of him, lifting each of your hanging tits so they're not causing you any pain due to the rough movements your body is making. But not only does he lift each breast up for you, taking the added weight off your body, he also leans forward and wraps his rosy lips around one of your nipples while gently pinching the other nipple with his ringed fingers. The sensation of his wet mouth and soft fingers on your nipples causes you to let out a loud moan and rock back and forth on his dick that much harder, trying to reach your orgasm at a faster rate than before.

( 2. Harry walks up behind you as you're washing dishes and reaches around your body, taking each of your boobs and lifting them up in his hands. You look down at his hands under your t-shirt covered breasts and question, "What on earth are you doing, Harry?" He just replies with, "Know they're painful for you sometimes so I wanted to help you out a bit." Then while continuing to hold each of your large tits in his big hands, Harry rests his head on the back of your shoulder as you finish up the dishes from dinner. God, you love this man.

( 3. As you cuddle together on the couch watching a movie, Harry shifts his head until its resting on your large chest. You tilt your chin down slightly and notice how comfy he looks using your right boob as a pillow. He has his arms wrapped underneath and between your body and the cushions of the sofa. Head laid sideways on your breast to view the tv screen and you place your hands in Harry's messy curls, gently massaging at his scalp. This is the domestic life you've always dreamed of.

( 4. After coming home late from an event Harry had to attend, you immediately drop your dress to the floor and wince at the back pain you're experiencing due to not having been able to wear a bra with your dress and your back is hurting from the heaviness you carried around all day. Harry walks up behind you from where you're standing in front of the bathroom mirror and mutters, "Wish I could help take the pain away. How 'bout after our shower I give your back and boobs a nice massage in bed, hm? Maybe make the pain a little less." You nod tiredly and while looking at his face through the mirror, reply, "Yes please. That would be lovely."

( 5. It's in the middle of the night and Harry sluggishly turns his body over so he's laying on his left side, facing you. Subconsciously, he scoots over towards your naked bodies warmth, naked because of the intensely romantic sex that occured hours before, and cuddles up to your side. Then while you stay peacefully sleeping, Harry places his head beside your large right tit and searches blindly for your nipple. When his rosy lips bump into your soft nipple, he latches on, sucking gently and feeling the nipple harden within his mouth. This is something he does on occasions for comfort and you never mind. You secretly love when he sucks your boobs in a non sexual setting. Makes it feel like such a domestic activity. It's just your boobs are so round and plump and Harry is quite literally addicted to them.

( 6. You and Harry are at a friends pool party, swimming around in their large backyard pool, when suddenly you feel the strap of your come loose. Quickly, you hold the padding to your left boob from under the water so your tit doesn't pop out and swim over to where Harry is daydreaming by the steps. "Harry," you whisper so no one else finds out about your misfortune, "need you to retie the left strap on my bathing suit top. Came undone. Fuck, I hate having big boobs because it always weighs down the thin strings that hold these things together." Propping himself up in the water, Harry responds lovingly, "Course, babe. And I hate that they cause you so much trouble but don't forget I quiet like how big they are. Gives me more to play with." He whispers that last part in your ear. Harry quickly reties the peach colored strap and you're all set to swim freely again.

( 7. Harry's messy head rests in the dip between your big breasts as you both try to catch your breaths from the sex that just occured. Your sweaty skin is glueing each others bodies together. Then suddenly and out of nowhere, Harry mutters, "Can't wait to see how much bigger your boobs will grow when you get pregnant with our baby one day." Your heart flutters at the knowledge of Harry already thinking about having kids with you in the future but also sinks at the thought of having to carry around even bigger titties on your chest. He pushes his head forward an inch or two and pecks small kisses to the inner side of your breasts while gently caressing the underside with his hand. You just melt under his delicate touch but also moan as you're slowly being turned on again.

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