12 Mundane Things Harry Does in His Home Life

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AN: so i got this inspiration from the video we got today called 'Harry Styles does mundane things' and wanted to write a list of things i can see Harry doing at home that the world doesn't get to see or things people may find it hard to believe he does but in reality he's only human.

This contains: fluff, talks of sick, mild smut

{ dad!harry - husband!harry - three children ages: 2, 5, 8 }

A list of things Harry does in his home life that people couldn't picture a popstar doing.


The fans and media love to make Harry out to be this perfect person who doesn't do everyday things like the rest of the world, but that just isn't true. Harry is just like everyone else that has responsibilities and chores around his house. Yes, he may be a international popstar but at the end of the day, he's a husband and father to three beautiful children.


1. Harry brushes his teeth. This may be obvious but some seem to think Harry was born with natural pearly whites or that he spends thousands of dollars on fake teeth or dental surgeries, but that isn't true. It's probably because he doesn't eat much candy and sweet treats but all he has to do is brush and floss once in the morning and once at night and his teeth come out how everyone sees them; straight and shiny white.

2. After brushing his teeth, Harry cleans and rinses the toothpaste from the sink. You (his wife) finds it enduring that he does this little task each day because he knows how much of a clean freak you are and dried toothpaste in sinks makes you uncomfortable. All he does is either cup water in his hands and splashes the toothpaste and spit from the marbled sink in your master bathroom or he gets a dirtied cloth from your dirty towel basket, one that you or he used in the shower last, and wipes the toothpaste out by hand.

3. Goes to the store in any hours of the day or night to buy you or his kids medicine when sick. Harry is a man that will do anything for his family and if that means he needs to run to the pharmacy or store to buy one of his children or you the proper meds when you've came down with a sickness and potentially get bombarded with paparazzi photos being taken or fans wanting pictures even though he isn't in the mood, then so-be-it. He does usually try and wear casual clothes to these outings like black hoodie, black shorts, and dark sunglasses but sometimes he still gets caught photographed with a bottle of children's grape flavored cough syrup in his hand or a bottle of Pepto Bismol for the upset tummy's he has at home.

4. Speaking of sick, Harry has to do very gross tasks as a parent like cleaning puke from floors and bedding when a one of your children can't make it to the bathroom or a bin in time. There have been countless times as a father that Harry has been woken up to the sound of vomit splattering on the floors in the hallway or cries from one of your kids bedrooms in which were induced from them having thrown up on themselves and their duvet. He use to have a weak stomach but not anymore. He's also been thrown up on so many times as a dad and doesn't even react anymore to those unfortunate moments. He'll first before anything comfort his and your crying (sick) child or children if many are sick and then worry about cleaning the vomit later. Sometimes you'll step in and clean up their sick but Harry always tells you to let him do it because he knows you have a weak(er) stomach and he doesn't want you to be sick as well.

5. Buys you tampons and pads from the store. Just like the medicine, whenever you ask Harry to run down to the pharmacy or store to purchase you period products, he'll do it with no questions asked. Periods don't phase him whatsoever. There have been many paparazzi photos taken of Harry with boxes of pads and tampons in his hands leaving the stores but he couldn't care less. Periods are a natural thing to have and he has no shame in running to the store for you his wife when you're at home suffering from terrible cramps.

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