14 Little Things Harry Does During Sex (SMUT)

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This contains: lots of smut with equal amounts of fluff, no dialogue

{ any!harry (boyfriend, husband, or dad) - soft!harry - 2018 Harry era }

word count: 1106

The little things Harry does during sex that you've picked up on through-out the many of times you have sex together.


1. Harry is definitely a toe curler. When he's in the midst of an orgasm, his long, bony toes curl into the sheets and you think its kind of cute. Especially when he has his toes nicely painted and groomed.

2. Whenever Harry gets carried away and starts thrusting too hard during sex, he'll focus on slowing down and as an apology he will bend down and peck a small kiss to your forehead. You think its the sweetest gesture.

3. When you're riding his cock and its more slow and intimate where you're laying down with your chest pressed to his chest, Harry will have his hands on your naked back and trace up and down your spine. His thick, soft fingers lightly glide up and down the middle of your back and it sends chills through-out your body.

4. Harry always does this straining face when he's trying his best to hold off on his orgasm. Because his number one rule is for the women to come first but sometimes its so damn hard when that women is you and you're his lover. Harry will subconsciously be holding his breath and when you look at his face, it will be all red and sweaty.

5. Sometimes Harry will place a hand on your lower tummy during sex and feel himself from within you. He makes sure not to press too hard because he doesn't want to give you an achy stomach but just enough pressure to feel his long, girthy cock as well as add to the pressure that helps enhance the feeling of your orgasm.

6. Harry does this little thing where if its dark in your bedroom and you're having sex, he'll tap his fingers three times on some part of your skin. Not repeatedly. Usually just once, three times. You've asked him why he does that and Harry explains its just an intimate gesture he enjoys doing to let you know he's there and you're safe. The first time he told you why he taps your skin three times, he felt like a complete idiot and got embarrassed. But you thought Harry couldn't get more sweet if he tried. Now whenever he's fucking you under the covers late at night and lightly taps your shoulder or thigh three times, you search for his lips in the dark to let him know you appreciate his doings.

7. Harry really loves finger sucking. It won't be a whole act in and of itself but more so sneakily done during the sex. If you're having sex in missionary, you'll raise one of your hands up and Harry will happily bob his head down onto your slender fingers, mocking a blowjob. Sometimes afterwards you bring those fingers down to toy with your clit. If you're riding Harry's dick, you'll reach your fingers down and he'll slowly open his mouth for you to place your fingers on his tongue. And when you're having sex in a cuddling position where Harry is behind you, with the arm he has tucked under your neck Harry will take that hand and run his fingers around your face until he finds your rosy lips. You'll get the hint and open your mouth to take his fingers in and suck on them while his hips continue to rock forward into yours.

8. Harry makes these cute little noises when he's experiencing pleasure. They're mixed with a whine and a moan. When you first got together, Harry was insecure about his pleasure sounds but over time has grown comfortable enough around you that he doesn't think twice when letting them escape his mouth. In missionary, he'll have his mouth up to your ear and when those moans mixed with a grunting cry enters your ears, it makes a rush of joy and pleasure course through your body as well. Because any noise Harry makes during sex is a huge turn on for you.

9. Besides his toes curling and little moans he does when experiencing great amounts of pleasure, Harry's mouth also falls open wide when his orgasm takes over. He truly has an 'O' face. And most of the time its combined with his eyes fluttering shut.

10. Speaking of fluttering, Harry's tummy flutters a lot during sex. When he's thrusting into your pussy, you'll look forward and see his ab muscles flexing. Or when he's completely on top of your body, you can even feel his tummy tightening and relaxing, tightening and relaxing. Then when you're riding Harry, sometimes you'll slide your hands down from their position on his chest and place them on his stomach. You can actually physically feel his stomach contracting under your palms as well as see his stomach divot in and out.

11. Harry mumbles curse words under his breath when you clench around his cock. Whether for teasing purposes or because you're actually coming. And this is also when his strained face comes into play. Because as Harry is cursing quietly along with a red and sweaty face, he's in the process of trying not to ejaculate inside of you quite yet.

12. When you and Harry are having some really loving and intimate sex, Harry will either sit up and place his hands over your pounding heart beat, or he'll lean down and press the side of his face over your heart beat. It's just something that comforts Harry if he's being honest. There's no deeper meaning behind the act.

13. Sometimes during sex, Harry will get a random itch and scratch it. It makes you melt from cuteness overload every time you see it happen. If you're riding Harry and he gets a little itch on his chest, he'll take one of his hands and scratch it without care. Or if you're on top and his thigh starts itching, he'll reach down and scratch it. He's even been on top and had to reach around to scratch his ass cheek that was in full sight behind him.

14. On the occasions when Harry's hair is a bit long and his bangs keep falling into his face, he'll stop mid fuck and take one of the elastics from around his wrist to tie his top curls into a little bun. You'll whine from the lack of moment of his hips but before you know it, Harry is back to thrusting into you in a set rhythm that works for both of you. He doesn't care he may look silly with his hair in a baby bun at the top of his head. Harry's just that comfortable with you. Plus you love the look.

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